Gearing Up for Hockey
· Jill
· Knee pads
· Hockey socks
· Hockey pants
· Skates
· Elbow pads
· Chest protector
· Neck guard
· Jersey
· Helmet
· Gloves
· Hockey stick
I like to start from the bottom up! Open up your hockey bag and search for the first 4 items.
- jill
- knee pads
- hockey socks
- hockey pants
Put them on your body in the same order they are listed above.
Once you have your hockey pants on, then sit down and put your hockey skates on.
When you tie your skates make sure they are nice and tight and you start from the toe and work your way up.
If your laces are too long you put the lace through the hole then tighten even more.
Protective Gear
Next is the protective gear for your chest and shoulders and neck.
you put the chest protector over your head and put the elbow pads on your elbows
Tighten the straps on your shoulders and stomach to make it snug.
Head Gear
Now after you put the protective gear on its time to put on the jersey, helmet, and gloves . When you put on the helmet there are three straps. You attach the strap under your neck and then two up on the side of the helmet.
Now grab your hockey stick and you’re ready to play some hockey.