Generative Jewelry
The goal is this project was to design generative jewelry using Fusion 360 Generative design feature.
- Fusion 360 (educational license)
- Cura slicer
- Ender 3 - 3D printer
- PLA filament
This images were exported from Pinterest.
Since I am still learning how to use the Generative tool of Fusion 360, I created several earing designs to have a variety of generative studies and observe which parameters gave me the desired outcome. However, non of my designs turn up as I was expecting. I think that I am not assigning the design space and conditions correctly.
Only Generative Design
After all my failed attempts I tried assigning two preserved geometries that were on top of each other and closing that space between them with a starting shape geometry.
Next Steps
I will continue to edit my four basic designs until reaching a generative design that can be printable and appealing (like the outcome presented in the inspiration section).