Giant Knex Claw Hand
Here is a giant claw to use if you are lazy like me and want to mess around trying to pick things up with peculiar things. I made this very small at first but then modified it to be much bigger and better to clamp. This is one of those things that are so comfortable and cool to wear with costume or design. So if this gets to 100 likes, i will make a step by step manual.
Hope you like it guys:)
- K'nex
- Hot glue gun
- Key chain rings
- Brains..
Claws and Mechanism
Make the 6 claws and connect each 2 to a joint and have 2 connectors as a base where they will be able to move freely, then connect them to a stable base, and connect all 6 of the claws on it.
Create the Base and Hand Grip
simple enough...
Connect the claw section to the base with the hand grip and that will give you the end product