Glowing Cardboard Home With 3D Name
Write and Measure 3D Letters
For that, take a cardboard and write your word in 2 dimension (as I wrote my name here).
Measure lengths of every lines in your word. (For guidance please refer the photos attached). Now you get the LENGTH
WIDTH is upto our decision. So make your desired width. (Here I set 8cm)
Now when you connect all those lines of a letter you will get BREADTH of that letter (that means you'll get a 3D word)
So first write those measurements near the letters and take another cardboard and cut them as per the measurements.
Insert LEDs Inside the Letters
Before sticking the letters, decide colors of your letters and insert respective LEDs inside it.
Make the 3D Letters
Stick the cut cardboard pieces in their appropriate places. Now you can see three dimensional view of your word
Connect LEDs Parallely
On the back side of the cardboard. connect the terminals of the LEDs parallely (ie, positive with positive terminal and negative with negative terminal) and solder it.
Cut the Word
Cut the word separately.
Stick Mica Sheet Over the Word
Apply glue over the edges of the letters and stick mica sheet over it
Apply Colorless Glue Over Mica Sheet
Apply colorless glue over the mica sheet and pour glittering powder on it
Apply Glittering Powder Over the Mica Sheet
Stick Color Shining Paper on Another Cardboard
Take another cardboard and cut for the LED terminals as on the image. Then stick colorful shining paper on it
Stick the Colorful 3D Word in the Colorful Cardboard
Stick the 3D Word on the new cardboard
Take Another Cardboard and Stick With a Thermocol
Now take another cardboard and stick thermocol on it
Stick It With a Green Color Cellophane Paper and Make It Dry
Insert LEDs, Connect Parallely and Solder
Cut Some Unused Thermocol and Use It As Legs of the Green Garden
Cut some unused Thermocol and use it as legs of the Green Garden so that the circuit connection will not touch the ground