Glue Prank
This is one of my most favorite pranks ever. You can substitute water in for glue if you would like. Happy pranking!!!!:):):)
Get some tape, glue, and some thread.
Step 2
Unscrew the cap of the glue. And then make a tape donut and stick it to the back of the glue bottle.
Step 3
Cut 4-2 ft pieces of thread and tape them to the front of your glue bottle one at a time. Cut the thread so that all 4 of them are equal.
Step 4
Tape the ends of all the thread pieces to the corner of a door. Then tape the glue bottle to the wall above the door like in the picture. You can add more tape to keep the glue bottle up if needed.
The Prank
Now just sit back and relax and wait for your prank victim to get soaked with glue the second they walk through the door!!!:):) if you liked this prank please favorite and vote!!!:):) thank you so much!!!:):)