by lilel in Living > Halloween

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Instead of paying hundreds of dollars for a chakram like Xena's why dont you just make your own for alittle over 20 bucks. Things you will need:

jig saw
10 inch circle
primer for paint
gray spray paint that is sparkle
tape measurer
sand paper
2 by 2 1/4 wood (plywood or oak) oak is stronger

If you dont have a jig saw but you have a hand saw
buy plywood because you wont be able to cut oak with the saw its to hard.

Buy a 1 Foot by 1 Foot 1/4 Piece of Wood

I got mine at lowes. Just ask the people who work there can they show you where the 1/4 piece of woods are at. You will have to get a bigger piece like 2 by 2 they don't come as small as 1 foot by 1foot. I repeat the piece of wood you will but will be larger then what you need but it will be very very cheap. That way if you want you can make one then one with different design or use the wood for something else.

FInd a Circle Around Your House the Measures 10 Inches Across.

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I used the cover for the stove it was perfect size.

Draw the Ying Yang Design

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The was the most difficult part for me. This is what you can do print it out really big and trace it on the wood.

Time to Get Out the Drill and Jigsaw

take your time when doing this my dad had to be really calm to cut out the chakram into a nice circle. You will need the drill for the inside ying yang shapes. Drill a whole in the ying yang shape basically on its line. Then stick the blade of the saw and start cutting away. be careful when using plywood it is easy to chip and will look ugly as fuck when you finish i would suggest oak better but again if you dont have a jigsaw the plywood will be alright as long as you take your time and when done if it looks ugly sand it really really good so you wont get cut with splinters. I know i did and it hurted alot. Also wear goggles. My dad mest up his eye because of the dust.

WHen Your Done Cutting and Sanding

When your done cutting ans sanding it should look like this with nothing sticking up because when you throw it and catch it it can ge tbroke it aint metal. Remember sand it really good.

Finish Sanding

When your finished sanding theres is bound to be cracks in the wood take school glue and fill in the cracks and when its COMPLETLY DRY then sand that. NOT SUPER GLUE


You will need to spray primer. Its very good for the chakram it will make the wood and paint bound and make the paint last you like forever and it wont chip off and make it look ugly.

PRIME the Front and Back

Prime the whole thing very very good then let it dry its just like paint so dont try to flip it right away and paint the prime is still wet. Then what ever color of paint your going to use for the bar on the chakram have that really to paint when the prime is dry. I used Wood stain.

Painting the Bar

With a paintbrush very gentally start painting the middle of the chakram. I would suggest not to paint the middle with spray paint so it can look more nice and even but its up to you.

GEt the Paint That Looks Like Metal

Buy a gray paint that will make the wood look like metal i used this its very nice and makes the wood sparkle like metal.

Paint the Whole Circle Including the Edges

Paint slowly

After You Let It Dry This Wat Your Chakram Should Look Like You Can Make It Llook Better Than Mine Though

I was in a rush and this is my first time making anything but you using your brain might be able to make it look more like Xena's but anyways this one is still cool when you dont have the money to be buying the expensive ones and want to make something yourself for a change. ITs pretty cool. Please comment idf you look it:) i would appreiciate it . And one more thing if yu have a myspace add me mine is