Halloween Basket
Every Halloween is a new adventure! With different costumes, different candies, but the excitement is there every year.
With this craft you´ll be able to make a Halloween basket that matches the costume, and you could make a different one every year. Maybe that could be our new tradition, and while carving Jack´o lanterns you can also carve your candy basket.
Gather Your Materials
Glue gun
Battery operated tea light
Green pipe cleaner
Green felt
Black permanent marker
X-acto knife
Spray paint and primer
Big cardboard container. Like those that are used for packing powdered beverages (milk, iced tea, gatorade, formula)
With the marker draw the design you want. There are many jack o´ lantern patterns, you can print one of those or make your own character.
With the x-acto knife cut the design you just made.
Apply one or two coats of primer. Wait enough time between each coat.
Then apply the paint. If your paint is of good quality, and you used primer, only one coat will be enough.
Cut the tulle and glue it inside covering the holes. Because we don´t want any candies to fall down.
Cut 1/3 of the lid.
Glue the tea light to the lid.
Glue the Lid
Glue the lid on place, the tealight will be inside the can but you can still reach it to turn it on and off.
Cover the Lid
Use the green felt to cover the lid, cut and stick it with hot glue.
Pipe Cleaner
The little details are important, that will make your project stand out. So twist the pipe cleaner around a pencil. Glue it at the top of the lid.
I tied two black pipecleaners together, then pierced the cardboard and tied the pipe cleaner.
Trick or Treat?
It´s ready to be filled with candies. Trick or treat?