Halloween Calender
This is a Halloween countdown calendar. This would get you and your family excited about Halloween.
Halloween Countdown Calendar
1. Go to Makercase.com
2. Change the dimension of the box width to 6 inches
3. Change the dimension of the box height to 10 inches
4. Change the dimension of the box depth to 2.5 inches
5. Select finger, instead of flat and T-Slot
6. Move the blue dot to the right so the tab width is at .500 inches
7. Double click on the front face of the box and then select rectangular holes
8. Change the X to 0.25 inches and change the Y to 0.25 inches
9. Change the width of the hole size to 5.5 inches and the height to 9.5 inches
10. Click add Click generate laser cutter case plans
11. Click download plans
12. On the bottom left of the screen, you will see where the box saved
13. Click the little arrow and then click show in finder
14. Open Adobe Illustrator
15. Drag the box from finder to Adobe Illustrator Click File > Export > Export As, then change the format to AutoCAD Interchange File (dxf) > Export
16. Export it to the desktop instead of downloads
17. Plug a thumb drive into your laptop
18. Drag the exported file from your desktop to the thumb drive
19. Take your thumb drive over to the big laser cutter and plug it into the computer
20. Print out the box
21. Carefully take the wood out of the machine once it’s done
22. Make sure all the pieces fit together and then get super glue
23. Super glue the glue together, leaving the front side (circle shape) off
24. While waiting for the glue to dry, get black, orange, and purple paint and 3 paint brushes
25. Also get orange paper, scissors, and elmer’s glue
26. Cut the orange paper in 2” x 2” squares
27. Fold each square horizontally and then vertically, then unfold it
28. Cut along one of the folds to the middle of the square
29. Repeat 23, 26, 32 times
30. Glue the top of the bottom left fold, to the bottom of the bottom right fold, so it makes a half box shape
31. Paint the outside of the box purple and the inside black]
32. Once the paint dries, paint “halloween” down the left side of the box in orange paint
33. Glue one of the sides to the back of the open side of the box
34. Repeat with all of the boxes, making them line up 4 x 8
35. Write #1-31 on 31/32 of the boxes
36. Get a black pom-pom to move each day
37. Get the wire from the prototyping bins and bring to workspace
38. Get the wire cutters and pliers from the hand tools wall and bring them back to your workspace
39. Take the wire in your hand and the wire cutters in your other
40. Cute the wire in 3, 4 inch pieces
41. Use your hands to carefully separate ⅔ wire strands
42. Set them on the table
43. Grab the 1 wire that isn’t separated in one hand and the pliers in your other
44. Pinch one end of the wire and twist it around itself so it makes a circle
45. Use the wire cutters to cut the separated wire in half
46. Bend the cut wire in half and attach them to the “circle wire” (as legs)
47. Make 8 legs
48. Cut out eyes from black paper and glue them to the top of the “circle wire”
49. Glue the bottom of the spider to bottom the bottom right corner of the box