Halloween Candy Jar
There’s no trick to this simple and affordable project. It's one crafty treat for kids and adults alike.
What You Need
- A wood round (Hobby Lobby)
- Wooden base
- Glass lidded jar
- Black and white water based craft paint
- Pom poms
- Foam sheet
- Hot glue gun
You'll also need ...
- Preval Sprayer (Home Depot)
- Scissors
- Needle and thread
- E6000 glue
- Pencil and/or bamboo skewer
- Halloween candy
Prepare the Preval Sprayer
Add 1.5 oz of water-based paint and 1 oz. of water to the Preval Sprayer jar.
Cap, shake and attach the spray can.
Coat all sides of the wooden base and wood round in black paint.
(NOTE: We’re using an angular container as our base. Another option is to use a wooden candlestick.)
Make a Pom-pom String
While the paint dries, make a pom-pom string to decorate the wood round. Thread a needle and tie the loose ends into a double knot.
Then, thread the pom poms onto the string until you have enough to fit the wood round.
Make the Base
Now, with the wood dry, create the candy jar pedestal. Plug in your glue gun and then trace the mouth of the base onto the center of the wood round.
Next, apply a thick layer of glue to the lines of your tracing and immediately press the base onto the round.
Pom-pom the Base
Next, apply hot glue to the outside edge of the round and press the pom pom string onto it. For a sturdier bond, glue a couple inches at a time.
Make the Bunting
Now, it's time to create the pedestal skirt.
Using a pencil or skewer, draw triangles onto the foam sheet and cut them out.
Squeeze a dob of white paint, and using a pencil eraser, stamp polk-a-dots onto the cut outs.
When they’re dry, hot glue the back of the triangles, and arrange them under the row of pom-poms.
Finishing Touch
Finally, apply a thick edge of E6000 glue to the bottom of the glass candy jar and press it onto the wood round.