Halloween Prop
Intro: I'm making a Halloween prop i can hang up and have the lights light up. I'm making it because my class is learning how to solder wires together and make objects do different things.
Parts: 1.Jumper wires-4.99-https://www.amazon.com/Foxnovo-Breadboard-Jumper-W...
2.Coin Button Cell Battery Holder Case on/off Switch Black-6.43-https://www.amazon.com/2xCR2032-Button-Battery-Hol...
3.Velleman MK 102 Flashing LED Kit-2.99-http://www.frys.com/product/5417919?site=sr:SEARCH...
4. 20 Genuine Loopacell CR2032 3v Lithium 2032 Coin Batteries-5.99-https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MANSAX4/ref=sr_ph_1_s...
Materials: 1.souldering iron
2.safety glasses
3. screw driver
4. wire cutters
Step 1 :Heat Up Your Soldering Iron on 350
Step 2 Follow Instructions
you match up with the mother board.
Step 3:
connect the jumper wires to the mother board positive is on the outside
Lastly You Connect All the Jumper Wires Together.
Step 5 : Add Lights
add lights by the longest end goes in positive end