Halloween Skull Effect
This tutorial shows you how to create a half face skull effect using photo shop
Find a Picture
eitere take one with a webcam or upload one of a random person. and open in photo shop
Find a Image of a Skull
find any image of a skull i got this one from google images
grab the skull and place it over your face. use the free transform tool to make it cover most of your face
lower the opacity of the skull layer down to 60 percent or whatever you think looks best
select the skull layer and use the eraser tool to erase what ever part of the face that you want to stay the same
Final Step
select the burn tool and set it to shadows.
click and drag over the face and skull until you have the color that you enjoy the best.
click and drag over the face and skull until you have the color that you enjoy the best.
All Done
you have now completed the skull tutorial please comment if you have any questions