Handy Batch File
In this Instructable I'm going to show you a Batch File that I created for you people.
so let me explain what this Batch File does. The script let's you generate backups of your files, check your network connectivity, close your not needed Windows services, delete temp files, history and cookies and at last it can show you your computer information.
The reason I made this is because I wanted to give you something awsome and that you can easly modify by your self.
Basic Information
* If you don't want the information skip to the next step
Batch files allow MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows users to write a series of commands to run in order upon their execution for automating frequently performed tasks. For example, a batch file could be used to run frequently utilized commands, delete or move a series of files, and other jobs.
Setting Up the Menu
If you are copying the code below make sure not to copy my explanation with it. I will put the explanation in the code only when it is new.
::The @ disables echo for that one command. @ECHO OFF
::Clear the screen/window CLS
::Executes the code from here. This is also called a "label" :MENU ::Empty rule echo. ::Display text on screen echo ----------------------------------- echo Windows Tool echo ----------------------------------- echo 1. Generate Backup of Files (enter 7 to see information) echo 2. Check Network Connectivity echo 3. Close Not Needed Windows Services (enter 6 to see services) echo 4. Deletes Temporary Internet Files, History and Cookies echo 5. Show Computer Information echo ----------------------------------- echo Help echo Exit echo.
::Sets M to the given input from the user SET /P M=Choose and then press ENTER:
:: Note - list ERRORLEVELS in Decreasing order ::Checks if M is equal to the variables given below
IF %M%==exit GOTO End IF %M%==help GOTO Help if %M%==about GOTO About IF %M%==7 GOTO BackupInfo IF %M%==6 GOTO ShowServices IF %M%==5 GOTO GetComputerInfo IF %M%==4 GOTO DeleteCache IF %M%==3 GOTO CloseSomeServices IF %M%==2 GOTO CheckNetworkConn IF %M%==1 GOTO CreateBackup
Setting Up the Functions
FIrst we're going to create all of the function that we need for this batch. In the next step we will fill them in with the correct code.
:About echo.
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo About echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo.
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo Help echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo Backup Information echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
:CreateBackup echo.
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo Creating Backup, please wait... echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
:CheckNetworkConn echo.
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo Checking connection, please wait... echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
echo Failure! echo.
:TRYIP echo.
echo Failure! echo.
echo Failure! echo.
:NETDOWN echo.echo Failure! echo.
echo Failure! echo.
:SUCCESS echo.
echo Success! echo.
goto MENU
:SUCCESS2 echo.
echo Success? echo.
goto MENU
:FAILURE echo.
echo Failure! echo.
goto :MENU
:ShowServices echo.
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo Services That Will Be Stopped echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
:CloseSomeServices echo.
:DeleteCache echo.
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo Deleting Internet Cache... echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo.
:GetComputerInfo echo.
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo Show Computer Information (%computername%) echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo.
Filling Up the Functions
Now let's fill them in! insert the code below under the the last echo with --------
echo This batch file was created by Kevin Tipker in June 2016
echo and is free to use and modify on your own risk. Please be very echo carefull if you don't understand what you are doing echo. echo You can find more of my work in the link below. echo - https://www.instructables.com/member/Kevin+Tipker
:Helpecho * To run this bat file without any problems you need to be a Administrator
echo and execute it as Administrator echo. echo 1. Generate Backup of Files (enter 7 to see information) echo - Check if there is a map called Backup in C:/ If not create it echo. echo 2. Check Network Connectivity echo - Make sure to use LAN echo. echo 4. Deletes Temporary Internet Files, History and Cookies echo - The history, cookies etc files are located in echo C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
:BackupInfoecho This process will make a backup of the following files:
echo - My Documents echo - Favorites echo - Email and contacts (MS Outlook) echo - Backing up email and address book (Outlook Express) echo - Registry echo. echo * NOTE: There is a change that not everything will be backed up echo and that is because you maybe not have MS Oulook or Outlook Express
:CreateBackup:: variables
::this has to be above the title rule (see image 5)
set drive=C:\Backup set backupcmd=xcopy /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /yecho - Backing up My Documents...
%backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents" "%drive%\My Documents"echo - Backing up Favorites... %backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\Favorites" "%drive%\Favorites"
echo - Backing up email and address book (Outlook Express)... %backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book" "%drive%\Address Book" %backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities" "%drive%\Outlook Express"
echo - Backing up email and contacts (MS Outlook)... %backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook" "%drive%\Outlook"
echo - Backing up the Registry... if not exist "%drive%\Registry" mkdir "%drive%\Registry" if exist "%drive%\Registry\regbackup.reg" del "%drive%\Registry\regbackup.reg" regedit /e "%drive%\Registry\regbackup.reg"
echo. echo Backup Complete!
:CheckNetworkConnping -n 1 www.google.com >nul
:TRYAGAINecho - Let me try a bit more, please wait...
@echo off ping -n 1 www.google.com >nul IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SUCCESS2 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :TRYIP
:TRYIPecho - Checking DNS...
echo - Lets try by IP address... @echo off ping -n 1|find "Reply from " >NUL IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :SUCCESSDNS IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :TRYROUTER
:TRYROUTERecho - Lets try pinging the router....
ping -n 2|find "Reply from " >NUL IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :ROUTERSUCCESS IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :NETDOWN
:ROUTERSUCCESSecho - It appears that you can reach the router, but internet is unreachable.
:NETDOWNecho - It appears that you having network issues, the router cannot be reached.
:SUCCESSDNSecho - It appears that you are having DNS issues.
:SUCCESSecho - You have an active Internet connection
:SUCCESS2echo - You have an active internet connection but some packet loss was detected.
:FAILUREecho - You do not have an active Internet connection
:ShowServicesecho - ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)
echo - BitLocker Drive Encryption Service echo - Printer Extensions and Notifications echo - Print Spooler echo - Optimize Drives echo - http service (for problems with localhost servers like XAMP)
:CloseSomeServices ::You can add diffrent services here just search them up on googlenet stop AxInstSV
net stop BDESVC net stop PrintNotify net stop Spooler net stop defragsvc net stop http
:DeleteCache ::This is not everything you can use there are some more that you can use to delete internet files from your pcecho - Starting process...
RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 8 RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 2 RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 1 echo - Done!
:GetComputerInfoREM set variables
set system= set manufacturer= set model= set serialnumber= set osname= set sp= setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set "volume=C:" set totalMem= set availableMem= set usedMem=echo Getting data [Computer: %computername%]... echo Please Wait....
REM Get Computer Name FOR /F "tokens=2 delims='='" %%A in ('wmic OS Get csname /value') do SET system=%%A
REM Get Computer Manufacturer FOR /F "tokens=2 delims='='" %%A in ('wmic ComputerSystem Get Manufacturer /value') do SET manufacturer=%%A
REM Get Computer Model FOR /F "tokens=2 delims='='" %%A in ('wmic ComputerSystem Get Model /value') do SET model=%%A
REM Get Computer Serial Number FOR /F "tokens=2 delims='='" %%A in ('wmic Bios Get SerialNumber /value') do SET serialnumber=%%A
REM Get Computer OS FOR /F "tokens=2 delims='='" %%A in ('wmic os get Name /value') do SET osname=%%A FOR /F "tokens=1 delims='|'" %%A in ("%osname%") do SET osname=%%A
REM Get Computer OS SP FOR /F "tokens=2 delims='='" %%A in ('wmic os get ServicePackMajorVersion /value') do SET sp=%%A
REM Get Memory FOR /F "tokens=4" %%a in ('systeminfo ^| findstr Physical') do if defined totalMem (set availableMem=%%a) else (set totalMem=%%a) set totalMem=%totalMem:,=% set availableMem=%availableMem:,=% set /a usedMem=totalMem-availableMem
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=:" %%i IN ('fsutil volume diskfree %volume%') DO ( SET "diskfree=!disktotal!" SET "disktotal=!diskavail!" SET "diskavail=%%j" ) FOR /f "tokens=1,2" %%i IN ("%disktotal% %diskavail%") DO SET "disktotal=%%i"& SET "diskavail=%%j"
echo. echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo Computer Information echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo - System Name: %system% echo - Manufacturer: %manufacturer% echo - Model: %model% echo - Serial Number: %serialnumber% echo - Operating System: %osname% echo - C:\ Total: %disktotal:~0,-9% GB echo - C:\ Avail: %diskavail:~0,-9% GB echo - Total Memory: %totalMem% echo - Used Memory: %usedMem% echo - Computer Processor: %processor_architecture% echo - Service Pack: %sp% echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
You have finished your batch file! I hope I was clear enough with my explanations and otherwise dont be scared to ask me anything. In the future I will update the script some more and maybe even add some more functions.