Happy Easter Sign
Easter is coming up soon, and you should start decorating. You can make this sign for one of your decorations for Easter in easy steps.Hope you enjoy and have a happy Easter!
At the top put a Easter saying such as "Happy Easter", I would recommend to make them in bubble letters.
Draw the Bunny
Draw the Rose
Drawing a rose is very simple. Just draw the stem, then leaves and than for the rose make an "u" shape.
Draw the Duck
First draw the stomach and tail, then the head. Next make a beak and A eye. You only need to make one because you can only see one side of the duck. For the feet draw legs, then three pointy toes. Finally connect the three toes with a line.
Make Your Stands for Your Sign
To make stands for your sign get two small pieces of paper, like index cards. Fold them in half. next, put tape on. place the two on the bottom. One goes on the left and the other on the right. And you're finished making your sign have a great Easter!