Haptic Robotic Finger
It Is Easy To Do ....
This instructable will go step by step and teach you how to make it.
This step usually comes at the end but I think its better to start with it. Lets dive in! Materials:
-Raspberry Pi (http://www.ebay.in/itm/like/191327811855?aff_source=Sok-Goog)
-Aluminium Rod (Required Machines To Cut The Rod)
-Required Wirings
-Bread Board
-Flux Sensor(http://www.ebay.in/itm/like/201289525795?aff_source=Sok-Goog)
-IC L293d (8x8) (http://www.ebay.in/itm/like/231440355796?aff_source=Sok-Goog)
-And Required Items...
Haptic Robotic Finger Using Raspberry Pi
​Structure of Robotic Finger
After Milling
Semi Completed Finger
Complete Finger With (six Degrees of Freedom)
Connection of Raspberry Pi and IC L293d Board
First pin of raspberry pi is 3+
Second pin of raspberry pi is 5+
Sixth pin of raspberry pi is Ground
And then connect GPIO of Pi and IC (By Your Program)
Connection of Stepper Motor With L293d
Flex Sensor
Connect Flex Sensor with raspberry pi by your coding logic.
I connect Flex sensor with raspberry pi directy (without PWM)
It is working...
You can do this project within a day...