Headlight Clamp for Your Bike
What you need:
1 PVC tee fitting (3/4 in) $.33
1 hose clamp (SS Clamp) $1.15
any bright LED flash light
1 rubber band
1 adhesive rubber $.25
1/8 drill bit and an eletric drill
a coping saw (it's even nicer and faster if you have a scroll saw and a band saw)
optional: 3/4 pvc pipe about 2-5 in, a coupling if you have one laying around in your gargage.
your time (less than 30 min)
Draw Your Lines to Cut
draw lines to fit with your flashlight.
Cut the Bottom Side First
Drill Holes Along the Line (both Sides)
Final Product
After cutting, smoothing out all edges, and a good paint job.
Insert the hose clamp (SS Clamp)
Attach the whole thing to your bike handle bar.