Healthy Snack
I Will Show You...
How to make a Carrot Enchilada, I made up the idea myself.
Yuck That's Gross...
You would think. But it is very healthy and also very tasty.
You will need...
- A tortilla
-sour cream
-shredded cheese
- and carrots
- A tortilla
-sour cream
-shredded cheese
- and carrots
Start By...
Taking out a tortilla and put it on a plate.
Next spread on some sour cream
Next spread on some sour cream
Take your baby carrots and pick up one and crack it into two pieces.
Stick them on the sour cream.
Stick them on the sour cream.
Sprinkle the shredded cheese in between the carrots
Roll up the carrot enchilada and take a bite.
My design is optional
My design is optional