Heat Shrink USB Mod
Got some extra heat shrink tubing? Here is a quick and easy case mod for a USB stick! Yes, this is another USB case mod... But don't get upset, this one has never been done before! It's fairly straight forward to do, and pretty cool.
You will need the following for this project:
- Scissors - $2.00
- Lighter - $2.00
- Large Heat Shrink Tubing (any color, I chose yellow) - $2.00
- USB Stick - $20.00
Remove the Previous USB Case
I don't have pictures for this step, so stick with me!
Different USB cases come off in different ways. With some you have to slide a thin piece of metal into the side, then pull the two pieces apart. With others you have to pry it open with a knife. So find a way that works for you. You can be as brutal as you want, because I will not be using the case for this project.
Slide, Cut, Heat, Cut.
Now for the "Slide, Cut, Heat, Cut." stage.
1. Slide
Slide the large heat shrink tubing over the USB stick's components.2. Cut
Cut the heat shrink tube about a half an inch from the back of the USB stick.3. Heat
Heat up the shrink tubing with a lighter, the same way you normaly would with wires.4. Cut
Cut the excess shrink tubing from the end. You should leave a few millimeters.Repeat (optional)
If you want, you can repeat step 3 as many times as you wish. I repeated it once, but put the tubing a little further back. See image.
So there you go! A heat shrink USB mod!
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