Hey everyone!
With the world situation out there, we wanted to try and help the doctors as much as we can.
As part of our university IoT course final project, we came out with some solutions and may benefit to the doctors, especially the new doctors.
Let us introduce HeyDoctor!
HeyDoctor is a tool like a pager that will help the doctors when needed.
We have small features like an hourly reminder for drinking water, a heart rate monitor, and a thermometer.
We also have some unique features like diagnosis helper, writing the doctor on the clock, events updater, and much more!
We will show here a step by step guide on how to create the features in this instructable!
Hope you will like it and enjoy it.
1. Adafruit circuit playground express.
2. Micro USB cable.
3. Smart Phone.
4. Blynk phone application.
5. Integromat web and phone applications.
Before We Start
It's going to be our HeyDoctor device. The doctor will carry it with him during his shift, and close it when he's done.
We recommend the doctor to tie it across his waist, that way it will be the easiet and comfortable for him.
The Blynk application
Download the application on your smartphone device, and create a new project.
Keep the authentication key- you will use it later on.
The widgets that you'll need to add will be covered in this instructable.
The Integromat
Enable creating scenarios as you wish, from the CPX to the web world and vice versa.
Create an acount and start to make the scenarios that you want, we will guide you step by step how to use the integromat inorder to make your own HeyDoctor device.
Slide In!
When you start your day at the hospital, you will need to turn on your HeyDoctor device by sliding the slide switch to on. With this feature, we can keep track of whom is on the clock right now.
When sliding in this will add a new row with your information to the doctor sheet in the Google Sheets file.
The basic flow of this feature is by adding a new custom webhook from integromat and connect it to your Google Sheet module of adding a row.
Also, this will require you to add a new webhook widget to the Blynk app.
Make sure to copy from the integromat webhook moudle the URL and to paste it in the URL section of the webhook widget in the blynk application.
Example in the pictures above.
Slide Out!
When you end your day at the hospital, you will need to turn off your HeyDoctor device by sliding the slide switch off. When sliding off will remove the row with your information on the doctor sheet in the Google Sheets file.
This feature on integromat will require adding a new custom webhook and two Google Sheets modules.
The first one is search, for locating your information, the second is for removing this row.
On the Blynk app, we will need to add a new webhook widget.
Example in the pictures above.
Call for Help
When you are in a trouble it can be hard to find someone to help you right away, but we know that everyone is with their phones all the time. This feature on pressing a button will send an SMS text message for the other doctors on the shift to come and to help you.
On intergromat, we will add a new flow from a custom webhook to the Google Sheets to locate each row in the sheet file. From Google Sheets, we will go to the android module (can be the same with IOS) into sending a text message.
The android module will know to take the phone numbers from the google sheet (The one that has all the information of the doctors in this shift) and send the text message only to the doctors on the shift.
On the Blynk app, we will need to add a new webhook widget.
Make sure to copy from the integromat webhook module the URL and to paste it in the URL section of the webhook widget in the Blynk application.
Cancel Help
Sometimes you accidentally press the button to call help or the situation got under control.
You can press the other button to send a text message that is a false alarm and no help is needed.
This feature has the same flow as the feature before, but with a change in the android text message, the message itself.
Heart Rate Monitor and Thermometer
In order to make it easier for the doctor HeyDoctor is coming with a built-in heart rate monitor and thermometer,
to help the doctor checks the patients.
The doctor can check the information on the heart rate and temperature on his Blynk phone app.
Those two features will require adding to the Blynk phone app a gauge and labeled value widgets.
Examples in the pictures above.
Water Reminder
In HeyDoctor we want to keep our doctor healthy, so we make sure he drinks enough during the day.
We created a reminder for the doctor to drink water once in an hour- the CPX lights will turn blue.
Facebook Group Updates
In heyDcoctor we created a specific Facebook group, that people can notify real-time events, such as- car accidents, fires, etc...
The doctor will get a notification to his phone and to his HeyDoctor device (by turning on the device in purple lights) every time someone posts an update in this group, that way he could be ready for people to come to the emergency room.
This feature will require adding to the integromat a new scenario with one Facebook group module, a router, an android module, and an HTTP module.
In the Facebook group module, make sure to select the correct group for notifications.
In the Android module, make sure to select the doctor's device, and select the "Message" to be displayed.
In the HTTP module, in the URL section- write "http://blynk-cloud.com/*AOUTH KEY FROM THE BLYNK PROJECT*/update/*SELECTED VIRTUAL KEY*?value=1"
Examples as in the photos above.
Calling the Doctor for Help
We want people to be able to page the doctor in case of an emergency, especially for the nurse's station.
In HeyDoctor the nurse could push a button in her Blynk application that immediately will page the doctor on his HeyDoctor device with a "beep beep" noise and green lights.
Diagnosis Helper
We at HeyDoctor want the doctor to be more sure about his diagnosis for his patients, so we created an integration with ApiMedic, that way the doctor can send the symptoms and get a notification with all the possible diagnoses for the patient.
For this feature, we will need the integromat and the Blynk app.
a webhook, HTTP, JSON, and android modules.
In the Blynk application, we add a webhook and text input widget.
In the text input widget, the doctor will insert the symptoms (as a number that represents the symptom, for example- 11 = fever).
Make sure to copy from the integromat webhook module the URL and paste it in the URL section of the webhook widget in the blink application.
See the pictures above for examples.