Hiding Place for Cat
Cats love hiding,so they need many hiding places.
Now I will show you how you can make cute, 3d printed cat's house.
You don't need special program (it's free and open browser).
You don't need printer (there are many places where you can order 3d print)
Create new design
Use paraboloid and paraboloid hole (click hole button in right upper corner) to make ear.
When it's ready select all (ctrl +a) and group (button in right upper corner).
Edit/Copy ear
Edit /Paste second ear then Adjust/Mirror
Use sphere itwill be cat's head
Put sphere hole inside blue sphere - it will make it empty inside.
Put box hole on the bottom of blue sphere - it will make it stable.
Then select all and group.
Now use cylinder hole to make door.
Then select all and group
Use box holes to make cat's whiskers
Select all and group
Change color.
In Prosperities name your design and download for 3d printing.
Now you can print it.