Homemade Dog Shampoo
Most of the dog shampoo's are quite expensive. So I found this website on which there is an very easy way to make a dog shampoo, for quite less than the market one. I hope you guys like it and your dogs love it!! Vote for me!!
Step 1 :
Add 1 cup Dish Soap to a jar or container (I suggest a high quality dish soap that is free of any dyes, fragrances etc… An organic dish soap is best such as JR Watkins, Method etc… I used the Whole Foods store brand that is free and clear. A regular dish soap can be way too harsh and drying for a dog’s skin.
Step 2 :
And add 1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar (apple cider vinegar is less harsh then white vinegar and helps to clean and hopefully acts as a natural flea repellent.)
Step 3:
Add 2 cups of water to the mixture.
Now add 2oz of glycerin to your mixture. Glycerin can be found in the baking aisle of Walmart or craft stores- (usually with the Wilton baking things not with the cake mixes and bags of flour.) The glycerin helps to moisturize and will hopefully help with any dander etc…
Step 5: (OPTIONAL)
OPTIONAL– add 1-2 drops of tea tree oil for extra moisturizing. Please use a therapeutic grade oil and not an oil from the store. Those are not safe for topical applications.
Reference and Acknowledgement
This website is where I found this : http://myfrugaladventures.com/2014/05/homemade-dog...