How to Be a Good Employer
As I am sure you are all aware, being a good employer generally means getting good results. With a strong and efficient work force, the necessary work gets done, but it also gets done well and with minimal issues. Where problems arise, a good employee will work alongside the employer to resolve them as quickly and easily as possible. This kind of harmonious working environment benefits all working there, including the employer. When an employer is not considerate or passionate towards their mutual cause, however, problems can start to arise. Difficulties in the work place become prominent and inescapable when the employer is not sufficiently supporting their work force. Feelings of resentment and poor attitudes result, and these lead to bad work ethics, poor efficiency and often a generally downbeat rapport with customers.
This word tends to get used a lot in working and business environments, but that does not mean it should be overlooked. Communication is essential in any relationship between two human beings, otherwise they cannot be aware of how the other is thinking, and so the relationship breaks down. If such a relationship is based on one person answering to, and working on behalf of, the other, it is integral that both people are aware of exactly how the other one is working in order to understand each other and work together harmoniously. Otherwise misunderstandings and, therefore, errors occur, which damage the efficiency and success of both of their work and can lower the morale of the whole team.
Be Fair
Fairness in the workplace brings a level of respect for the employer and creates a positive relationship with his employees his employees. It encourages them to look to him as a voice of reason, go to him for advice and respect his decisions. As well as this, by being fair the employer could save the business a lot of money: employment law can be very complex and easily misunderstood so that if an employee wishes to dispute an employer’s decision, it could be taken to a tribunal and the company could be looking at costs of thousands of pounds for a simple misunderstanding. Being reasonable and understanding with employees is better for the workplace as a whole, but also for the company’s reputation should anything get misconstrued. It may also be a good idea to ensure ultimate fairness that companies seek employer law advice to ensure they are working well within these laws at all times.
Whether you have a small team of 1-5 people, or you are employing an entire company of hundreds of workers, it is vital to the well-being of your workforce to show that you value and support what they do. By being approachable about things from holiday allowances to toilet breaks and showing that you understand their needs, you are creating a great rapport with your workers and are less likely to be blamed when something cannot be done for them. Good companies are those that support their workers both in work, with training, holidays, social events, and outside of work with things such as maternity and paternity leave, birthday celebrations and Christmas holiday arrangements. By supporting them in what they want to do, you are showing them that their happiness is important to you and therefore that they are important to you.
Being motivational for your workers is more part of being a great employer than a good one. By constantly encouraging your staff to keep working and to reach higher with their goals, you will not only see improved results, but a greater attitude from your employees and therefore, a much more positive working environment which is more enjoyable for all. All of the above points come into this one, by being supportive, fair and communicating well, you will be motivating your team to work hard for you and also for themselves. An upbeat character is infectious and will generally pick your workers up, which is especially important in times of hardship or strain. Let them know that you are in it with them and working just as hard as them, this reminds the team that you are part of it too, not just dictating them from the top.
By being a good, or even great, employer, you are showing your workers that you care for them and are working alongside them. It is important for a work place that everyone in it feels comfortable and looked after, or feelings of resentment begin to surface and this can seriously damage company results and reputation. As an employer it is your responsibility to ensure that this does not happen, and can easily be avoided by abiding by employment law, and these four principles.
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