How to Draw a Map
This instructable is how to draw a map, not how to make a map
What you will need is
Colored pencils
Rubber Band
Brown spray paint
Drawing the Village
On your map the villages are as big as a continent so I would say the limit is 3-6 villages
Adding the Key
Once you have drawn the villages then draw your key the key should be to your bottem-right corner of paper but do NOT put the things down on the map, just right them in the key
Adding City ( Land ) in Your Villages
I would recommend 8-10 land per village make sure to make them big enough to also put some mountains, etc.
Adding the Key
Know we add the key that was added on the map to the map
Mini treasure
After you are done with your map, you should outline everything in sharpie, if you want, you could erase any pencil marks later after you color you should use colored pencil it is the best