How to Draw Manga Anime
Manga is a comic that was born in Japan. It was made by Japanese creators in Japanese language. The comic is based on the style that was inculcated during the late 19th century in Japan. The Manga has a very long as well as a complicated pre-history in the Japanese art.
Manga has a big fan following among all age groups. The comic covers all the genres like comedy, action-adventure, sports and games, romance, historical drama, science fiction and fantasy, suspense, mystery, horror, detective, sexuality, and commerce/ business. Manga has been translated to many languages including English.
How to Draw Male Manga Characters
Manga style male character is difficult to draw than female character. The manga/ anime character is balanced by the number of "heads tall" it is. For instance, a chibi character's height is two to three times the head's size. The cartoony manga character is five to seven heads tall and some (shoujo- style) are eight heads tall. Using this scale keeps the male / female characters balanced.
The body of female curve at stomach and flare at hips. The male body is not much curved a torso, or even expands if the character is beefy. Draw blocky shapes on legs to add muscles or draw straight or skinny legs and broad shoulders.
Tutorial on Drawing Manga Clothes
Always keep in mind the direction where the fabric is getting pulled as pulling causes folds. Also consider the figure inside the clothing, the cloth should follow the figure. For example, the cloth flows downward due to gravity. This fold is drawn for something that is hanging loosely (long shirt or cape). If there is an arm inside the clothing, the fabric will be stretched and not pulled by the gravity. Thus, fold will be horizontal. Sometimes folds are encapsulated within one another at joints or place where loose cloths bunch up. If the cloth is getting pulled in different directions the fold follows the direction. Shading gives more form. Shade along the fold line or areas where shadows would cast. While drawing a tied fabric, form extra creases and folds where the fabric gathers, as the weight pulls the fabric causing extra creases. Draw the tie with details. Shade the fabric near the folds.
Drawing Female Eyes
To draw a large female eye, draw a line curving upward and make it thick at the highest point. For right eye, make the left end of the line higher than the right. The top should be an angular curve. To draw the lower part, draw diagonal lines that are pointing downwards, starting from the top part's edge. To determine the length and width of the eye, swear by the steepness of the slopes formed by these lines. The lower part should be thicker and sloping towards the right corner. Erase the lines and draw oval inside the eye. A part of oval should be hidden by the eye's upper part. Draw outline of light glares. Do shading. Draw a large oval at the left of the iris and a small at the other side. Draw pupils beneath light glares. Never draw pupil on light glare's top. Draw lashes by drawing spikes coming out of the top-right conforming the curve of the eye. Draw a thing and curved line at the left side originating from the top of the eye. This is the eyelid.
Drawing Male Eyes
Male eyes are narrow and thin as compared to female eyes. Start by drawing a thick and slightly curved line ( almost horizontal but with slight curve). Draw edges curving inwards towards the left. Starting from the top line's edge draw 2 diagonal lines. Using them as guidelines, draw the lower line of the eye. Erase the lines. Draw a perfect circular iris. It should be slightly hidden by the eyelids. Draw light glares, one oval on the left and one pointed on the right. Draw pupil under the glare and do heavy shading. Draw the eyelash and eyelid. Draw dark and thick eyebrows.
To draw narrow slender eye, draw a curved long line, with steep curve at the left side. Draw guidelines for lower part like the above tutorials, but the left line would be flatter than the right one. Draw a curved lower line. Draw a circular iris hidden by the upper lid. At the right, thicken the lines. Draw glare and upper eyelid. Draw pupil and shade the iris. Draw eyebrows.
Drawing Facial Expressions
In sad expressions, the eyebrow's inner tip curves upwards. Lower eyelid curve slightly upwards while upper eyelids form large and round curve. Curved lower eyelids indicate anger, sorrow and stress. The mouth also curves downward and gets small.
In another subdued form of sadness, draw eyes smaller, and mouth larger, not curved down. The angle of eyebrow and lower eyelids arch, like above. For anger, the brows sharply curve down and mouth is drawn as if the character is shouting. The iris should be kept large. To draw angry people without screaming, draw eyebrows close to eye and sharply angled down and mouth sharply angled upwards. Small irises and narrow eyes make the character look more angry. Alternating the eyebrow angles indicate confusion. Slightly off- centred mouth adds on.
Drawing Female Body
To draw breasts, keep in mind a central guideline running down the body's center. The breasts should be at 45 degree angle from this center line and halfway down the chest. Do not draw too far, to high or too close.
For another pose showing torso from front view, draw the best using same guidelines. Shading is important here. To make them look natural, do not just shade under the lower curve. In this side pose, the breast is drawn at 45 degrees. The left breast drawn here is a half sphere.
The shoulders should smoothly slope down and should not be flat. For a realistic look, consider the musculature structure of the shoulder and neck.
To draw lifted arms, expose the back of the torso. Do not make a narrow upper torso.
Drawing Manga Hair
Draw the hair in clumps of different shapes and sizes. Draw the outline at the bottom, curvy. After learning to draw a single clump or strand, put them together to create anime hair. The basic strand is used to make different hairstyles. To add details, add more strands.
To give different character to hair, draw different size and shapes of each strand. Different shapes can be thin and long, curvy and thick or spiky and sharp.
The hair overlap and encapsulated in one another when they bend or twist.
Drawing Mouth and Nose
The mouth and nose of Manga are very straightforward. The basic simple shape include wedge for the nose, a thin and long line for mouth and a short line defining lower lip.
Drawing the side profile is difficult as you have to define the lips. The most important thing to keep in mind is the curve of nose, lips and chin. Draw upper lip curving inward and lower lip curving outward.
The lower face contains many contrasting curves. The nose curves inward towards the face, then again curves back out above upper lip. Draw upper lip curving inward and lower lip curving outward. Draw the chin rounded and curving outwards.
The mouth of Manga is not very large unless they are shouting. The noses can be drawn as wedges or defined only by shading. The females have less defined and small nose. Males have long and angular nose.
Drawing Manga Ears
Mostly Manga characters have simplified ears, but you can draw the exact anatomy. Different types of ears can be drawn. Ears with hanging lobes or attached lobes can be drawn. Start by drawing an elliptical shape with an angle. draw lines to define the inner part. Draw more lines for more details. Draw the inner canal. Shade properly.
Drawing Manga Hands
The approach of drawing male and female hands is same. The difference is that the female fingers are small, thin and nails are longer, while male hands are muscular, with wide fingers. Veins are visible in male hands. Start by drawing a vertical rectangle and dividing it into 2 parts horizontally. As a guideline for middle finger, draw a vertical line. Draw slanting vertical lines for other fingers. Taking help of the guidelines, draw the fingers.
Drawing Manga Shoes
Determine the view of the shoes( eye view, down level) before drawing the manga shoes. Start by drawing foot outline. Over the outline, draw the shoe. after you are completed with drawing the shoe, erase the outline.
Drawing a Manga or an anime character is quite difficult. But, these tutorials have made everything so easy. If you follow these tutorials, you can easily draw Manga characters without any difficulty. All you need is a little practice. If you still can’t handle it ,try a robot named mDrawBot. Which is a 4-in-1 drawing robot kit can be assembled into 4 different configuration drawing robots: mScara, mSpider, mEggBot and mCar. With mDrawBot,with your own private painter.