How to Fix a Bow on Your Shoe!
Have you ever had fun running and playing in your favorite shoes? And you didn't notice something fell off? Well no problem I have a solution that will work!
You'll need:
White glue
And a glue stick
(Or any glue you prefer)
Applying Glue
First take your glue stick and grab your bow (or whatever) and take the glue stick and rub it in circles on the bow and shoe. Where you want it to be.
White Glue
Then take your white glue and put a few dots of glue on the bow and shoe. Then rub it with the bottle all around.
Put It on
Then carefully take your bow (or whatever broke) and apply it the spot you want it, or where it was before. Then press it down gently.
The glue isn't fully dry yet and isn't ready to wear. Wait 24 hours or a day after for it to dry so the glue is strong. And it is ready to wear! :D hope you enjoyed it!!