How to Make Pandarian Monk
Since Mists of Pandaria was released recently, I thought I would do something related to that.
So using a Mcdonalds toy of Kung-fu panda, I built myself a Chen Stormstout.
So using a Mcdonalds toy of Kung-fu panda, I built myself a Chen Stormstout.
Materials needed:
- Black clay
- White clay
- Light brown Foam board
- Hot glue gun
- Pliers
- Gold coloured metal (for buckles)
2 Pandas before working on them, for comparison later on.
Back of Coat
Take the black clay and make flat round pieces, then put them on the back of the panda to begin forming the coat.
Arms of Coat
Cover the arms of the panda with pieces of black clay, then make a cuff out of the white clay and apply it overtop of the black clay near the hand
Front Part of Coat
Roughly apply black clay, Details will be added later. try and fill the seems between the back front and arm pieces.`
Coat Details
Use gold coloured metal pieces and some white clay to add the edges of the coat and buckles that hold it together.
Cut Off the Ears
Use the Pliers to rip the ears off of his head to make sure that his hat will stay on properly.
Making the Hat
Cut a slit in the foam and make a rice hat shape with it, Glue the cut closed to keep it secure and add a white pipecleaner to the outside with hot glue.
Fitting the Hat
Cut 2 slits in the hat, 1 over the eye and 1 at the arm so that the hat will stay in the proper position, if you want. you could use spare materials to fill in the hole by the arm.
Now that it is complete. Bask in the Pandamonium!!