How to Draw a Basic Mandala
In this tutorial I show you, step by step, with detailed pictures, how to draw a mandala, learning through the article how to draw a mandala grid, how to draw mandala basic shapes and how to draw patterns
You can also check the following link to watch the video tutorial
Draw a Mandala Grid
Start by drawing your Mandala grid
1- Mark the center of your A5 paper
2- Trace a vertical line and a horizontal line crossing the center
3- Trace four circles with the following radii: 2 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm, and 6 cm
4- Trace grid lines equally separated by 10 degrees
Fill the Mandala Grid With Basic Shapes
1- Fill the first circle with double pointed petals, drawing each petal on 2 grid sections.
2- Trace arc petals on each grid section of the second circle
3- Trace regular petals on each 2 grid sections of the third circle, then draw one tear drop between each two petals
4- Draw a pointed petal on each 2 grid sections of the last circle
Fill the Shapes With Patterns
1- draw small circles at the top of each arc petal
2- fill the regular petals with tear drop leaves
3- trace a double pointed tear drop between each 2 pointed petal on the last circle
4- Finally, erase the lines of the grid.