How to Draw a Girl/Person
Hello there! This is my first Instructable~ You’ll be drawing a decent, cartoonish, anime-ish, easy, person today 😄 ( I think it’s decent- ) OKAY let’s get started <33
- a pencil ( or a pen doesn’t matter )
- eraser
- paper
The Base
The base is just for you to know where things are... like the eyes, nose, mouth, ears. But mostly, I use it for the eyes so then it’s right in the center of the head. So basically, you just sketch out a circle, draw a line through the middle of it, and connect the circle with the line; but make it rounded so it looks more like a face. then just add little ears on the side.
tip: the reason why I sketch the base out, is because whenever I’m sketching, I feel more comfortable.
The Eyes
add a line at the end of the circle. now, the kinda hard part. you want to add two tiny lines on the line you made earlier. Then, add curves just a little bit up from the two lines. With the curves, you can add little triangles at the ends; like as eyelash- except with only one :0
connect the curves, with the tiny lines. That’s going to be the pupil.
tip: don’t be so frustrated- it takes practice guys 😌
Nose, Mouth, and Eyebrows
I’m not big on the noses, mouths, and eyebrows. For the nose, draw a short diagonal line. Then for the mouth, draw a curved line; that kinda looks like a smile. it looks like she is being forced- i’m sorry 😭 Finally for the eyebrows, slightly curved lines, like she looks innocent. ( behind the scenes: 🤡 )
Hair and Shoulders
i’m drawing bangs, but you can do any hairstyle you want. Shoulders are optional~
Other Accessories
and you’re done! draw her some clothes or earrings, anything else you want! you can also erase the guide lines, outline, and color too!
I hoped I helped! :DD