How to Draw a Unicorn
Step by step tutorial on how to draw a unicorn.
Draw a dot for the eye. Add the line for the face a little bit above the eye.
Continue the first line by curving it into the nose. Add a straight line and add the jaw. Add the nose and mouth.
Chest and Neck
Make the horn. Create a curved line to create the neck where the hair will be. Draw another curved line(to make the chest) in the middle of the jaw.
First Leg
Make a sideways l shape to start the leg. Make a knee and connect it to the lower part of the leg. Make an ankle and add a straight line to it. Curve it back and your hoof is done! Create the rest of the leg as shown in the picture.
Second Leg
Add the second front leg using the same steps as shown in step four.
Stomach and Back
Add the unicorn's back and stomach using the picture provided.
Back Legs
Add the back legs using the leg/hoof guide in step four. Use the picture to help you.
Hair and Tail/touch Ups
Add the hair and tail. Make sure to draw a rough outline first and then fill it in. Make touch ups if needed.
Final Steps!
Color it,name it, sign it and you're done! Make sure to post your drawing in the comments so I can see how amazing you did! ?