How to Make "My Little Helper"
My Little Helper Purpose: The purpose of this robot is to help nursing homes. It is like a robot nurse!!! Its job is to help the patients that are living in the nursing home. My Little Helper's tasks are to give out the food, give them their medicine, take them to do exercise, take them to their appointment, and anything else for the patient's needs.
Materials needed:
Making the Head
Making the head: First thing you need to do is to make the head of the "My Little Helper". Use this template and fold it on the dotted line. After folding the paper, start forming the cube and tape the edges with small pieces of paper
( every square is 1 ½ inch of length and width)
Making the Body
Making the body: Use the template to make the robot. Every square is 2 ½ inches in length and width. Then start folding on the dotted line. After folding, start taping the edge with a piece of tape to form the cube.
Making the Body Parts
Making the wheel: Cut out paper with a length of 5.13 inches in length and a width of 2.7 inches. Then roll the pieces of paper and tape the ends
Making the arms: cut out two pieces with a length of 3.4 inches and a width of 2.5 inches. Roll them and tape them.
Then fold a small piece of paper to make the ears.
Connect All the Parts
Finally, you are the end to complete your own "My Little Helper". Only thing you have left is to connect all parts with tape. Then you got your own "My Little Helper"