How to Make a Comic
Today I will instruct you in how to make a comic. It is more complicated than you think, but don't be discouraged! It's also really fun. Soooo lets have some fun!
(FYI this is NOT my youtube channel, I do not have a youtube channel. But this is kind of how I draw. I have my own development of this way to draw manga.)
Come Up With the Story
First, you need to know what your story is. Write out a paragraph or two about what your main storyline is.
For example:
There's a cooking contest in the school and two people worked together to make gourmet french fries, but it went afoul when someone started an argument between these two freinds about who worked more and who should get the credit. Then they have a ketchup war in the cafeteria.
Don't feel bound by the storyline you wrote. You could always add more or take away some.
It really just depends on what you want it to be.
P.S. Add a title.
Begin Your Page/Storyline
You need to sketch your overall story, and figure out When and How you want your story to start, like at what point in the storyline you want to start. I like to start in the middle of the action, but I think this specific story will require some explanation at the beginning. Look at how mine starts.
By splitting the last panel up into two, it adds suspense.
Figure out Who you want to introduce within the first few panels, What they look like, What they're doing at the Moment of Disturbance (almost all stories have a plot twist right at the beginning, in this case, the girl is walking along when her freind pops out of the school and alerts her of a fight, and asks for help.) and What their reactions are to the Disturbance (Her decision is to go help her freind. That tells the reader that she's a good person/freind).
Also, make your scenes productive so you can get to the point. If I didn't want suspense in the last panel, I wouldn't have split it into two. Add plot twists, too. People love those!
Finish Sketching
"Ink" in Your Sketches
Sorry it's sideways, but on the first row, I "inked in" the pencil with a pen. Inking is a japanese term for coloring over the pencil with a pen or brush and ink or a computer program. Whatever medium you choose, ink it in, erase all the pencil, and what I did on this was I drew the actual panels after I inked everything else and erased everything.
'cause I'm lazy.
Finishing Up
When you're done inking, you could scan it to your computer and put it in a program to type the dialogue, and add color/shading if you want.
I don't do that, I do everything by hand because I'm lazy (wait that doesn't make sense....) XD
And actually FINISH your story instead of following my bad example of NOT finishing my story
But anyway, I use a Walmart drawing pad, waterbase markers from amazon, a normal no. 2 pencil and a normal black pen. Nothing fancy.
Have Fun!! =D