How to Origami 〜Penguin〜
It is the art of folding a sheet of paper into various figures such as birds,animals,and many other things without using scissors or paste.
This animal has a cute way of walking. That image is captured in this
model of a penguin.
Fold in Half
Fold in half right to the left diagonally and unfold.
Side Up
Pink side up, fold in half both ways and un fold.
Fold Bottom Corner
Fold bottom corner to the center.
Fold Top Edges
Fold top edges to the diagonal creases and unfold.
Using Creases
Using creases made in previous step, fold down top edges.
Fold up 1/4 of bottom portion of paper as shown.
Open and Squash
Open and squash fold small corners on the sides.
Fold Down Folded Edges
Fold down folded edges to meet at center creases.
Mountain Fold
Mountain fold left side back along center creases.
Inside-Reverse Fold
Inside-reverse fold top point diagonally to the right.
Outsid-Reverse Fold
Outsid-reverse fold top as shown.
Crimp Fold
Crimp fold the back and out as shown.
Inside-Reverse Fold
Inside-reverse fold bottom left corner in.
Model complete!!
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