How to Write a Haiku
So, today I really want to show the world that writing can express great feelings. I know, I know, you don't even WANT to think about writing. Just give me a chance. Maybe you will fall in love with writing a simple little poem, which is what we will be doing. Here's an example...
Get your supplies: you will need...
•great ideas!
•great ideas!
Get Started
Haikus are normally about nature... So get outside and start brainstorming! Haikus are written in a 5-7-5 syllable pattern. Here's one I wrote. Make sure to count the number of syllables!
Short and stumpy legs
they have shells to protect them
Slow and steady wins
Short and stumpy legs
they have shells to protect them
Slow and steady wins
See... Not so hard is it! So get out there and write to your hearts content!