How to Change Your Oil
Changing the oil of a car is a fairly simple process when directed correctly. I hope that you are able to easily follow the steps that I lay out for you.
Step One
In order to easily change the oil of your car you first should drive the car around until it warms up or at least turn the car on for ten minutes. This way the oil will easily flow and make the entire process much easier for you.
Step Two
At this point you should know where you will be changing your car's oil. It should be a flat surface either in your driveway or the street. If you can't fit under your car then you should use jacks or a ramp to prop your car up. Once your car is ready for you to work on you should turn off your car and put some cat litter under where you will be working in case oil spills.
Step Three
Pop the hood of your car and open oil filler cap (where you place the new oil) so that the oil can flow more easily. Now consult your owner's manual for the specific location of your car's oil drain plug. It's usually towards the front of the car. Place the pan that you will use to catch the old oil, under where the oil will come out. The pan should be fairly large in case you messed up and the oil overshot. It usually comes out at an angle. One you have found the oil drain plug, use a wrench to turn it and take it off. Watch out, the oil will still be hot!
Step Four
For this step you have to get the oil filter. First you have to place the oil filler cap back on. It's not supposed to be tight, so don't let it. It just has to stay on. Now locate the filter. You should have purchased a new filter so look for something that looks like that. You should consult your owners manual for where this is too because it can be different on different cars. Make sure that if some more oil comes out with the filter you get it all in the pan with the rest of the oil. An important aspect not to over look here is to make sure the old rubber seal is taken off so that the new filter can properly seal. New take some new oil and lightly rub it on the new rubber seal of the new filter. You can do this with either your finger or a q-tip if you don't want oil on you.
Step Five
Putting the new filter in is the next step. You don't need any tools for this, just your fingers because this too doesn't have to be to tight.
Step Six
Since you have already taken the oil filler cap off, you should place a funnel in it. Now pour the new oil into the funnel. Again, check your owner's manual to see how much oil you need. Once the oil has cooled you can check to see how much is in there. If you need more, pour it in. After you have placed the filler cap back on, turn your car on and check for leaks. Use an old rag to wipe away any oil and tighten anything that needs to be tightened.
Last Step
Clean up can be more of a pain, but it's important just like the rest of the steps. Pour the oil into a plastic jug and either take it to a recycling center or the nearest garage. They should take care of it there.
Congratulations! You have successfully changed your own oil!
Congratulations! You have successfully changed your own oil!