How to Get to Sleep (Easily)
This Instructable is all about getting to sleep if you're having difficulty trying. It will cover three possible reasons:
1. Excitement
2. Heat
3. And plain old Insomnia (or anything like it)
1. Excitement
2. Heat
3. And plain old Insomnia (or anything like it)
Too Excited to Sleep!
First of all this step covers times like Christmas eve, your wedding night, or even your birthday when you're just too excited (or nervous) to sleep. Because you know these nights are coming means you can PREPARE for them. Try some of the things in step 3 as preparation. Calm down! The most important thing is to relax and think about tomorrow as any normal day. I know it sounds silly but as you're lying there, try to regulate your breathing and concentrate on that. Clear your mind (as much as you can) and focus on a single thing like say, an animal or food you like. Try to just stay calm, sleep will come! (eventually)
Too Hot to Sleep!
This second step is for when pesky, pesky heat tries to ruin your good night's sleep. Try turning on a fan or only having 1 or 2 blankets on and sometimes it's too hot to have ANY blankets on. This next method works really well: try having two cups beside your bed, one with water and one with a damp flannel. When you get thirsty have a sip of water (no more or you will have to get up due to bladder circumstances :D ). If you are hot, wipe the flannel on you forehead or even dampen the pillow under your head. Try to stay calm, sleep will come! (eventually)
Just Can't Get to Sleep!!!!
Okay I know most of these methods will sound silly and hopeless but trust me in most circumstances, they work. Try having warm milk with a bit of honey. Trust me there is a special substance called Lactium that causes slight relaxation and Tryptophan which helps the sleep-inducing part of the brain. Warming it up helps these to take effect. Try counting backwards from 500. It sounds like it won't work but it can help with, well, boring you to sleep. Also try some of step one's calming down techniques. They really help.Try not to exercise or stare at a tiny screen in the thirty minutes before bed. Also DON'T PANIC. Getting to sleep may be hard tonight but don't give up! Stay calm and sleep will come! (eventually)