How to Make a Hat Out of Sponges
Sponges, a needle, string, glue, a sharp knife, some kind of hairgrip or hairpin and a bread board.
The Hat
Cut of the rough side of 6 green sponges and 6 pink sponges.
The Hat
Cut the pink sponges along the side. Now you have four thin pieces.
The Hat
Glue together four pink pieces with four of the green sponges. Now you have four green sponges with pink bottoms. Glue together the four green/pink sponges so you have a square. Glue two green sponges on the top of the square.
The Veil
While the glue is drying, you can begin making the veil. Cut the pink pieces along the side so you have a lot of long thin pieces.
The Veil
Take a piece and sew it together so you have a circle. Do that with three others and sew them together so it looks like a flower.
The Veil
How many flowers you make depends on how long you want the veil to be. When you have made the number of flowers you want, you sew them together. Put the needle through two of the leaves of the flower and make a knot. Do the same with the rest of the flowers.
The Hat
When the glue that keeps the sponges together is dry, cut an oval and shape it the way you want it.
The Hat
Make a depression in the bottom of the hat and attach the hairpin using glue.
The Hat With the Veil
Now the last thing you need to do, is to sew the veil on the hat. You only need to fasten three of the flower to the hat - one on the hat, and two on each side of the hat.