How to Make Fruit Earrings
Here is what you will need:-nailart fruit(ebay:
-studs pad(etsy:
-any kind of pernament glue (I used nail glue)
-studs pad(etsy:
-any kind of pernament glue (I used nail glue)
Take your stud pad and put it into a holder.
I used button that I made(you can see how to make it in my instructable).
Put a little drop of glue on the pad,leave for 10 sec and put fruit on.
Be careful not to glue your fingers!
I used button that I made(you can see how to make it in my instructable).
Put a little drop of glue on the pad,leave for 10 sec and put fruit on.
Be careful not to glue your fingers!
Leave it there for 10 min. so that you are sure it's dry.
Here you have your own studs!
Good luck!
Here you have your own studs!
Good luck!