How to Modify and Reassemble a NERF Raider CS-35 for More Power and Range.

by Yobonoc in Outside > Launchers

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How to Modify and Reassemble a NERF Raider CS-35 for More Power and Range.

So ive just bought myself a Nerf Raider CS-35, and i thought, hey, you know what, i need MORE POWER. so naturaly i headed to Google and looked for instructions on modifying it.
So ive found numerous videos and how-to's, but they arnt as helpful as id hoped, they all tell you quickly how to do it, but none of them tell you how or why the mods work, and also, quite a vital part, they dont tell you how to put it back together so it works correctly, and i had abit of trouble with this. but with some brain cells and brute force ive worked it out and documented it for you lovely people. so read on, and good luck. im not saying that this mod will make you gun shoot through your walls, but it will add some power and some range, so you can shoot your sister from that extra bit further away. put it this way, im using regular nerf darts, and with this mod, they now whistle when they fly sometimes, so that must have added something!

a nerf raider cs-35 (seems obvious)
your very own brain
electrical tape
a drill with a long drill bit, OR a long screwdriver and a hammer
a small phillips screwdriver with quite a long bit.

THIS IS MY FIRST INSTRUCTABLE SO CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK IS VERY WELCOME. lemme know if you need anything further explained, or you just want too say thanks! have fun!

also, i am terribly sorry if you break you gun, but if you fllow these instructions carefully, you should be fine.

Strip Down


so this is the start of the process, start by stripping off the stock, and start taking out screws, but keep them safe!
start on the pump action handle part (ill say now that i dont know the technical names of parts, but ill try my best! (theres 5 screws on the handle)
then take out all the body screws, there should be 14 in all.
very carefully pull it apart, it will be abit stuck, but just make sure nothing important looking falls out without you having a good look at it first.

Also, ignore the grey tape in my pictures, my gun is already modded so just pretend its not there for now.

The Business End

so this is where the modifying begins! im not sure how to do this so ive taken pictures of all the bits and put them on this page, so ill correlate the pictures with the writings, in the form of numbers

PICTURE 1 - start by taking out the spring, it slides out easy but youll need it in a minute so dont put it too far away

PICTURE 2 - pop out this little sqaure bit, it comes out easy, but dont loose the spring!

PICTURE 3 - i have no idea what this bit is called, but it basicly falls out, so put him somehwere safe

PICTURE 4 - this bit slides out, again, ignore the tape, and put it too one side as you will need this in a second aswell

PICTURE 5 - this bit comes out with a little tug too the right, keep it accesible as youll be fiddling with it soon.

Modding Step 1

so this is the plunger. the idea is that where the spring is, when the gun is cocked, this bit compresses the spring, making the power. the idea of this part of the mod is to shorten the gap in which the spring is compressed, therefore increasing the power when it is released, HUZZAH!

so heres what you do, take some of the electrical tape, and wrap it around the plunger, snug to the end with the lip (see the picture) doing this with the whole width of the tape, i found that it made the gap too small and the spring wouldnt cock, so i took a knife and cut off some of the width of the tape until the space was good (i cut off about half)

Modding Step 2

so this is where the fiddeliest bit comes in. this part of the gun is where the dart is primed before firing, inside this tube is the Air Restrictor, and this is what we are removing. the air restrictor is there to, well to restrict the air. when the gun is fired, the plunger comes forward and pushes the air into this tube, which is what fires the dart. taking out the AR will allow more air into the barrel, and more air means more power, YEEAHH!
so look into one end, the end where the metal bar is, and youll see a sort of pin type thing, and from the other end there is just a hole. now depending on your chosen method there are different approaches to the next stage.
if youve gone for the hammer and screwdriver method, then put it down into the end with the hole (not the pin) and very carefuly, smash it out.
if youve chosen the drill, use it too drill out the hole carefully, but whatever method you choose, be careful not to damage the rest of the tube.

as 2 minor modifications, you can take some tape, and where i have wrapped some, there is a tiny hole, again, this will just stop more air escaping.
also, ive put some tape around where theblack rubber ring is, this just makes the seal that bit tighter again, making a bit more air pressure.

Modding Step 3

Finally, grab your spring, and give it abit of a stretch. the spring is ultimately what provides the power. seeing as we have already shortened the gap in which the spring can be compressed too, if we stretch it out abit, it can only make more power can it not?!
so give it a little stretch, but dont deform it, just enough to give it a little extra oomf (i believe that that is a real word)


so we have come too the final step in our modificating journey!
this is where i find that the other mod videos and instructions wernt as helpful as they could have been.
i found that when putting my gun back together, that there were a few bits that i kept knocking out of place, meaning the blasted thing wouldnt work. so ive put some pictures of those places in hope that you wont have the same problems.

so the first one comes with the funny little square bit that encases the spring. this piece, when the gun is cocked, holds the plunger in place, and pressing the trigger lifts it up, which releases a catch, unleasing the spring and sending forth your dart into the world. so this has too be placed in the correct spot, hence, picture 1

picture 2, shows that funny stick part that basicaly falls out. on the left hand end of it (when looking at it as it goes in) there is a little hook type bit. this hooky place needs to catch on the lip above, and also press the button too its left.
im hoping these instructions and pictures make sense.


after youve followed the first few steps backwards and got it all back together, there we are! you now have a modified Nerf Raider CS-35! as i said before, this isnt going to turn your raider into a Brret 50 Cal. but its a good bit of fun and the extra power is defiantely noticable.
im hoping that this was a helpful as i wanted it too be, if you have any questions, or want to just tell me how much you thoroughly enjoyed this instructable, then leave me a comment! but seriously, any feedback is good feedback, so let me know! thanks for reading, and happy making!