Hydo (Intel IoT)
H20. You know you want it. But do you really have it?
Hydo is your companion. Hydo is your very own waterboy! His sole aim in life is going to be to ensure that you are well hydrated and stay healthy. At first look, Hydo looks like a water-bottle..but there's more to him. Water consumption is more personal than an alarm telling to drink water. It's a science, and Hydo knows it well. He keeps track of your water intake and lets you know when to drink water, thereby ensuring that you are well hydrated throughout the day. He will talk to your smart-watch or fitness devices and ensure you get the right hydration for the right activity. In the near future, we see Hydo becoming a platform to which different devices/applications connect to serve various purposes providing a seamless ecosystem. It will be able to recognize the user and connect to other Hydo’s so that an individual’s drinking pattern is covered holistically. He will talk to your health records (EHR/EMR) and suggest the right hydration levels. Or you might simply want an elegant time-piece on your desk, which is actually your water bottle. Have you had enough water? Don't worry Hydo is here. With Intel Edison, the future is becoming possible.
Why Do We Need Hydo?
Less than 45% of people drink the right amount of water a day. Now, it goes without saying that keeping the body properly hydrated is an important aspect of health. The core objective of Hydo is to ensure that you remain properly hydrated. The unique aspect of Hydo is the very design and capability to connect to various devices to provide you a seamless ecosystem.
More than often, you feel thirsty when your body is nearly hydrated. Most people living in cooler climates and with sedentary jobs almost never feels thirsty or the need to drink water. Not many know that over drinking of water is a major problem as well, overloading your kidney and causing permanent damage.
Our Target group are typically anyone who buys a water bottle for the following: use at office, gym, while playing sports, hiking etc.
Hydo uses the unique combination of various sensor, and operating principle to understand your water intake. Combined with an algorithm linking your personal health profile, hydo does the job just right. For the prototype at Intel IoT Roadshow, we will be use a non-invasive water level sensing technique designed for this purpose. The inputs will be processed using the Intel Edison. For this prototype we do not intend to create Hydo as a platform but demonstrate the core capability.
What You Need?
One of the toughest challenges is to find the level of water in a "non-invasive" and continuous fashion.
We have solved this problem in a very unique way: Using a pressure sensor.
1) Intel Edison
2) Pressure Sensor
3) Silcon rubber
4) Plastic cutter and Glue
5) Temperature Sensor
6) Laptop
7) A very good brain and good coding skills
8) Obviously a BOTTLE!!
9) LED 16x2 /LCD Screen (we used the LCD screen)
10) LEDs
The Logic to Calculate Water Level
We calculate the pressure that the water exerts on the bottom of the bottle.
The pressure reduces as the water decreases. Now you know the volume of the bottle. Map this to the pressure decrease,and wohoo you have it.
The video shows the bottle we have used to create Hydo. The outline shows the fitting of different parts and positioning.
Buzzing a Buzzer
Now , i hope you are already acquainted with using the Intel Edison. Else....we, i have got a sample code which help you in getting to buzz a Buzzer when the trigger is on
Once this is done, get coding. I am attaching the code, it is self explanatory
Adding an LED 16x2
Now that you have a buzzer working, you need to initialize the LED 16x2 display (using this here for simplicity)
You can get the code in the link below: https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/Grove_LCD_RGB_Backlight
Calculating the Volume
The sensor you have to use is BMP085.
The code can be got here: https://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/253
Once you get this code, you can easily integrate all of these together and use the MAPPING function to start denoting the level of water consumption. Happy coding!!!
Oh by the way, we are planning to launch Hydo for purchase at www.myhydo.com (still under construction, please leave a message to varun@myvoyce.in for details of pre-order.)
Buying Hydo
Instead of all this Trouble, you can opt to buy Hydo from us.
The picture shows how the finished product will look like. An LCD screen for information display, Easily cleanable, Food safety measures met, and a complete dashboard to get you on track. The price will be under 20USD.
You can pre-order by writing to varun@myvoyce.in and get information from our website www.myhydo.com
The website is still under construction, so please check back by May 1st week.
What is more?
The apple iWatch just released, and oh Boy are we excited! With diret intergation to iWatch, we will be able to do tonnes of cool stuff. Understanding your heart rate, managing hyrdation accordingly etc.
Write to us at the above mentioned email !