Feeling angry and manly? Want to take it out on someone? Sick of games with constant annoying rules? Want to play a game with no limits whatsoever? Play Insanaball!
How to Play
get a field, beach, car park, forest, firing range*, living room*,or any environment you would like to wreak havoc in, go down with some friends. A field or the beach are the best options. Have two lines about thirty meters or so from each other (also a ball would help) and prepare for the insane...
Rule 1. Get the ball past the other teams line and touch it down by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Rule 2. Err... there isn't one.
*perhaps not.
Rule 1. Get the ball past the other teams line and touch it down by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Rule 2. Err... there isn't one.
*perhaps not.