IR Stereo Nightvision
This is possible hack to a car DVR unit to make a Stereo (simulated) night vision.
plan is
1) select a low cost car dvr with screen and camera
2)remove the IR filter
3) hack and remove lcd and put in a lightweight
slide viewer toy
so that both eyes can see the screen
4)hack and remove IR book light for nice little hinge
5) seperate the battery for weight reduction in the car dvr and mount DVR , slide viewer and hing
to a helmet
6)put a IR torch on solder to illuminate .
A 16 USD car dvr is very suitable has a in built battery and USB charging
Hack remove the two items the LCD screen and the battery .
*preferably remove full LCD screen frame and buttons
* stick to just a Acrylic piece with smd LEDs to light it
get longer cables to attach it (tricky)
Take a helmet and try to attach the DVD main unit
* LCD goes into a slide viewer toy
The Slide Viewer Screen Unit
The toy has to be trimmed(cut lower plastic) or lenses taken out and fitted in a lightweight plastic box.
Focus the lcd to have a comfortable view an fit in the other side where Slides used to come. Wire the lcd from main unit via some flex wire set
Modify the Camera to Get IR and Others
Now remove the IR filter , there are many videos how to do that
Remove the battery and put in a diy battery pack
may be 1200mAH X3 pack via volt dropper circuit to pump 3.6V
or use a diode dropper in series 1n4007 X2 in series this will drop approx 1.2V from 4.5V
As the DVR current is low diodes wont heat up .
Add a Cree IR Torch Solder Mountable
IR illuminator Clip glued to it will serve as good invisible light
Needs a 12V supply .
9V rechargeable with booster can be used
Thats it now start your hunting/spying missions