Improvements to My Cutting Table (mejoras a Mi Mesa De Corte)
by rimar2000 in Workshop > Woodworking
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Improvements to My Cutting Table (mejoras a Mi Mesa De Corte)
Cuando decidí probar mi método de hacer duelas, me di cuenta de que mi mesa de corte, tal como estaba hecha, no sería capaz de cortar la madera con la inclinación necesaria. Así que puse manos a la obra y la modifiqué.
When I decided to try my method of making staves, I realized that my cutting table, as was done, it would not be able to cut wood with the desired inclination. So I set to work and modified it.
When I decided to try my method of making staves, I realized that my cutting table, as was done, it would not be able to cut wood with the desired inclination. So I set to work and modified it.
Articular El Punto De Fijación (Articulating Attachment Point)
Lo primero fue hacer que la hoja de corte se pudiera inclinar. Para eso tuve que convertir en articulada la brida fija que aseguraba la amoladora a la parte inferior de la mesa. Eliminé la brida anterior e hice una nueva, y la aseguré nuevamente en el mismo lugar, pero ahora con remaches de hierro que permiten inclinarla hacia atrás y adelante.
La base donde articulan los remaches no la soldé a la plancha de hierro como estaba la anterior brida, sino que la aseguré con tornillos, para poder hacer ligeras correcciones y así asegurarme el paralelismo entre la hoja de corte y la guía longitudinal de la mesa.
The first was to make the blade could tilt. For that I had to make articulated the fixed flange that fasten the grinder at the bottom of the table. I removed the front bracket and made a new one, and fixed it again in the same place, but now with iron rivets that allow it tilting back and forth.
The articulated base with the rivets is not soldered now to the board as it was the previous iron clamp, but I fastened it with screws, to make slight corrections and so ensure the parallels between the cutting blade and longitudinal table guide.
La base donde articulan los remaches no la soldé a la plancha de hierro como estaba la anterior brida, sino que la aseguré con tornillos, para poder hacer ligeras correcciones y así asegurarme el paralelismo entre la hoja de corte y la guía longitudinal de la mesa.
The first was to make the blade could tilt. For that I had to make articulated the fixed flange that fasten the grinder at the bottom of the table. I removed the front bracket and made a new one, and fixed it again in the same place, but now with iron rivets that allow it tilting back and forth.
The articulated base with the rivets is not soldered now to the board as it was the previous iron clamp, but I fastened it with screws, to make slight corrections and so ensure the parallels between the cutting blade and longitudinal table guide.
Asegurar La Amoladora a La Inclinación Deseada (set the Grinder to the Desired Angle)
Hice un aro de chapa de hierro que abraza firmemente la amoladora y va asegurado mediante una tira de la misma chapa a uno de los agujeros roscados que la amoladora provee para atornillar el mango. A la tira de chapa le articulé mediante un remache de hierro otra tira de chapa que actúa como puntal, fijando el otro extremo a la superficie inferior de la mesa.
La longitud de este puntal es variable para permitir variar la inclinación de la amoladora, y se fija en una determinada longitud mediante una simple abrazadera con un tornillo mariposa. El ajuste fino se hace mediante otra mariposa que va en el extremo de la tira, con un resorte que evita que se afloje.
I made an iron sheet hoop that firmly hugs the grinder and is attached by a strip of the same sheet to one of the threaded holes provides to screw the grinder handle. A metal strip articulated by an iron rivet to another metal strip which acts as a strut, attaching the other end to the lower surface of the table.
The length of the strut is variable to allow to vary the inclination of the grinder, and is set at a certain length by a simple clamp with a thumb screw. The fine adjustment is made by another winged nut that goes into the end of the strip, with a spring which prevents loosening.
La longitud de este puntal es variable para permitir variar la inclinación de la amoladora, y se fija en una determinada longitud mediante una simple abrazadera con un tornillo mariposa. El ajuste fino se hace mediante otra mariposa que va en el extremo de la tira, con un resorte que evita que se afloje.
I made an iron sheet hoop that firmly hugs the grinder and is attached by a strip of the same sheet to one of the threaded holes provides to screw the grinder handle. A metal strip articulated by an iron rivet to another metal strip which acts as a strut, attaching the other end to the lower surface of the table.
The length of the strut is variable to allow to vary the inclination of the grinder, and is set at a certain length by a simple clamp with a thumb screw. The fine adjustment is made by another winged nut that goes into the end of the strip, with a spring which prevents loosening.
La Guía Longitudinal (the Longitudinal Guide)
Me resultaba lento e incómodo hacer ajustes a la guía longitudinal anterior, que no formaba parte de la mesa sino que era cualquier trozo suficientemente largo de hierro ángulo o madera, asegurado a la mesa con prensas de mano. Luego de analizar mis posibilidades decidí hacer un sistema bien sencillo, basado en un caño de hierro con una varilla soldada a 90° en cada punta. Al girar el caño, las varillas accionaran otras dos varillas que a su vez arrastran la guía en forma paralela, acercándola o alejándola de la hoja de corte.
La guía propiamente dicha es un trozo de hierro ángulo de una pulgada.
Hice varios agujeros en cada varilla para aumentar el rango de posibilidades de movimiento, y en vez de remacharlas las uní con pernos que tienen en la punta un agujero para chaveta. Eso me permite fijar las varillas a la longitud más conveniente según el trabajo a realizar.
Cuidé de hacer de a dos las varillas con sus agujeros, para disminuir el error que se produce al agujerear.
Una vez fijada la guía en su lugar, se aprieta con un tornillo en cada punta. Todo el conjunto de guía se puede rebatir fácilmente para dejar libre la mesa.
It was slow and cumbersome to me to make adjustments to the former longitudinal guide, which was not part of the table but it was any long enough piece of angle iron or wood, attached to the table with clamps. After reviewing my options I decided to make a very simple system, based on an iron pipe with a rod welded to 90 ° on each end. By rotating the pipe, the rods will trigger other two rods, which in turn drag the guide in parallel towards or away from the blade.
The guide itself is a piece of one inch angle iron.
I made several holes in each rod to increase the range of movement possibilities, and instead of riveting them I bolt-joined them with pins with a hole for cotter at the tip. That allows me to attach the rods to the most convenient length as the work to be done requires.
I took care to make two rods with holes, to reduce the error that occurs when boring.
After setting the guide in place, it is tightened with a screw at each end. The entire guide can be easily retracted to clear the table.
La guía propiamente dicha es un trozo de hierro ángulo de una pulgada.
Hice varios agujeros en cada varilla para aumentar el rango de posibilidades de movimiento, y en vez de remacharlas las uní con pernos que tienen en la punta un agujero para chaveta. Eso me permite fijar las varillas a la longitud más conveniente según el trabajo a realizar.
Cuidé de hacer de a dos las varillas con sus agujeros, para disminuir el error que se produce al agujerear.
Una vez fijada la guía en su lugar, se aprieta con un tornillo en cada punta. Todo el conjunto de guía se puede rebatir fácilmente para dejar libre la mesa.
It was slow and cumbersome to me to make adjustments to the former longitudinal guide, which was not part of the table but it was any long enough piece of angle iron or wood, attached to the table with clamps. After reviewing my options I decided to make a very simple system, based on an iron pipe with a rod welded to 90 ° on each end. By rotating the pipe, the rods will trigger other two rods, which in turn drag the guide in parallel towards or away from the blade.
The guide itself is a piece of one inch angle iron.
I made several holes in each rod to increase the range of movement possibilities, and instead of riveting them I bolt-joined them with pins with a hole for cotter at the tip. That allows me to attach the rods to the most convenient length as the work to be done requires.
I took care to make two rods with holes, to reduce the error that occurs when boring.
After setting the guide in place, it is tightened with a screw at each end. The entire guide can be easily retracted to clear the table.
El Trineo (the Sled)
Este consta de dos trozos de varilla cuadrada de madera unidos por dos trozos de terciado fenólico, formando una sola pieza que puede deslizarse a lo largo de la pestaña vertical de la guía longitudinal.
Para permitir cortes a diferentes ángulos horizontales, la base donde apoya la pieza a cortar está fijada al deslizador con una bisagra. Un transportador, el de mejor calidad que pude encontrar en la librería del barrio, indica el ángulo, y un puntal deslizable que se ajusta con una armella, fija el ángulo.
It consists of two pieces of wooden square rod connected by two pieces of phenolic plywood, forming a single piece which can slide along the vertical fin of the longitudinal guide.
To allow cuts at different horizontal angles, the base where the workpiece rests is fixed to the slide with a hinge. A protractor, the best quality I could find in the neighborhood store, indicates the angle, and a strut that adjusts with an eyebolt, fixes the angle.
Para permitir cortes a diferentes ángulos horizontales, la base donde apoya la pieza a cortar está fijada al deslizador con una bisagra. Un transportador, el de mejor calidad que pude encontrar en la librería del barrio, indica el ángulo, y un puntal deslizable que se ajusta con una armella, fija el ángulo.
It consists of two pieces of wooden square rod connected by two pieces of phenolic plywood, forming a single piece which can slide along the vertical fin of the longitudinal guide.
To allow cuts at different horizontal angles, the base where the workpiece rests is fixed to the slide with a hinge. A protractor, the best quality I could find in the neighborhood store, indicates the angle, and a strut that adjusts with an eyebolt, fixes the angle.
En La Cancha Se Ven Los Pingos (on the Racetrack You See the Hacks)
En líneas generales, las mejoras fueron muy exitosas. Pero, muy a mi pesar debo reconocerlo, la precisión de mis trabajos es un poco menor que la de la NASA. Es muy difícil fijar la hoja de corte a una inclinación de 1°95354 y el trineo a 11°079085, que son justamente los valores necesarios para construir un cono de 80°, para la tapa del bol a 45°. Después de cortar todas las duelas para la misma, me vi obligado a hacer una media duela adicional, porque la última no entraba.
Overall, the improvements were very successful. But, much to my regret I must admit, the accuracy of my work is a little smaller than NASA. It is very difficult to set the blade at an inclination of 1°95354 and the sled to 11°079 085, which are precisely the values needed to build a cone of 80 °, to the top of the bowl at 45 °. After cutting all boards for it, I was forced to make an additional half stave because the last did not fit.
Overall, the improvements were very successful. But, much to my regret I must admit, the accuracy of my work is a little smaller than NASA. It is very difficult to set the blade at an inclination of 1°95354 and the sled to 11°079 085, which are precisely the values needed to build a cone of 80 °, to the top of the bowl at 45 °. After cutting all boards for it, I was forced to make an additional half stave because the last did not fit.