In Shower Dental Station

by ShaanA16 in Living > Health

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In Shower Dental Station

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Are you ever in a rush to get your teeth brushed? Why not save some time and do it in the shower. My invention is an in shower tooth brush holder that can hold your toothbrush, toothpaste and floss. You can hook it up to a preexisting shower rack or attach suction cups to it. You will be using a makerbot and a laser blaster to create this. You will also need 8 screws to screw on the top and bottom plates. 

What did I make?
 I made a neat little stand to hold your toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. I designed it so you can hang it in your shower and the water can drain out of the bottom. I thought this would be a good idea because I am a person who likes to get things done so why not just take care of your teeth while you are taking a shower and save some time.

How did I make it?
I first started off by designing the three parts on SolidWorks. (The only 3D designing program I have) Then I printed the main body on a Makerbot. I printed the top and bottom out of plexy glass using a laser blaster.

Where did I make it?
I made this at my highschool in a class called 3D Rapid Prototyping. We have many very expensive machines that are available to us.

What did I learn?
I learned that i should plan on having the materials ready to use before i was ready to print and cut. I also learned how to use some of the features on SolidWorks.

Create the Body

In a 3D sketch you are going to make a 3in x 3.5in box. Shell the feature so you have at least a .2 in. wall thickness to ensure that the part will be sturdy. The thicker, the better.
From one of the corners make a 1 in. x .75 box that you can use to hold your floss. Make sure to not make the hole to deep and also be sure you make drainage holes.
In the corners make screw holes that go all they way through the feature. A good hole size to use is .125in. The screws will thread themselves in when you assemble the dental station.
Make two screw holes on the back for the attachment of hooks or screw-in suction cups.

Laser Blasting the Top and Bottom

You are going to be making 2 sepaerate parts for the top and bottom and you can cut the part out using the laser blaster.                                     
For the top cut a hole big enough to fit your toothpaste.
Also cut a a square hole to put your toothbrush.
Cut a hole adjacent to the floss hole on the body.
Cut screw holes in the corners adjacent to those on the main body.
Cut drainage holes not too big but big enough for water to drain through. *be sure to spread the holes out.
Cut screw holes in the corners adjacent to those on the main body.


You can buy some suction cups that have screws on the back to screw into the 2 holes on the back of the box. Or you can attach hooks or other screws to screw into your shower. These supplies can be found at any hardware store and are fairly cheap. 

STL File