Female Instructables Robot
In case you need an Instructables robot.
Because your male instructables robot gets lonely.
Because your four year old daughter asked for a girl robot.
This is my second instructable in my series, "The Way Women reMake Masculine Images in the Maker Movement," in which I am exploring the ways in which females take a feminine object (like a dress) and make it into something else with a masculine image (raygun) or a masculine object and make it into something else with a feminine image or object.
Specifically, I am exploring the feminizing of the masculine technology within the Steampunk and Science Fiction genres of the Maker movement.
Wooden Block that looks like dress. I am using the stereotypically feminine image of a dress on purpose.
Wheels for feet. Well, the Instructable robot has wheels for feet.
Cotter pins for mouth and antenna.
Metal head that looks like a robot face. Mine is, I believe, the covering of a sewing machine motor. Just look for a robot face, you'll find one.
Drill two holes into bottom of wooden block.
Put wheels in holes.
Fashion some way to attach metal head to wooden block.
I drilled two holes.
Add cotter pins and screw to top of head.
Add screws for arms.