Intel Edison IoT Remote Environmental Parameters Monitor

by jeckyll86 in Circuits > Remote Control

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Intel Edison IoT Remote Environmental Parameters Monitor

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This is a very basic project entirely made in javascript through the IDE "Intel XDK IoT edition". When you have finished, you will have a system to monitor environmental parameters (temperature, light and air quality), locally in the LCD and remotely through a web browser.

Me and my friends, Roberto and Luigi, realized this project as starting point for a future home automation system.

I want to thank Intel for this wonderful device and for the fantastic hackathon of Milan.

Setup the Board

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This is what I used to build my Intel IoT Edison environmental parameters monitor:

  1. Intel® Edison Arduino Board with latest Yocto Image
  2. Grove Starter Kit Plus V2.0
  3. Grove Air Quality Sensor 1.1 connected to the analogic port A3 of Grove shield.
  4. Intel XDK IoT edition IDE and the edison connected to WiFi.
  5. The Grove RGB LCD connected to one of the I2C ports of the Grove shield. I connected it near to D7 port of Grove shield.
  6. Grove Light sensor v1.0 connected to the analogic port A0 of Grove shield
  7. Grove Temperature sensor v1.1 connected to the analogic port A1 of Grove shield

  8. Grove button connected to the digital port D2.

Setup the IDE

xdk iot edition installer.jpg

  1. Download and install latest Intel® XDK IoT Edition from here
  2. Start a new Project
  3. Connect to the board
  4. Start programming :)

Here you can find the whole procedure to get started with Intel® XDK IoT Edition.

Programming in JavaScript With XDK

  • In your project, edit the main.js file:
    main.js (please download the attached file, code was probably broken after pasting here)

main.js Part of "Intel Edison IoT remote parameters monitor" Copyright 2015 Biagio Sesta, Algol Team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.

Steps for installing MRAA & UPM Library on Intel IoT Platform with IoTDevKit Linux* image Using a ssh client: 1. echo "src maa-upm" > /etc/opkg/intel-iotdk.conf 2. opkg update 3. opkg upgrade

USAGE: **************** go to http:/<address_of_your_edison>/:1377/sensors

*/ var fs = require('fs'); var http = require('http'); var dispatcher = require('httpdispatcher'); var bind = require('bind'); var PORT = 1377;

var mraa = require("mraa");

//Button connected to D2 connector var buttonDigitalPinD2 = new mraa.Gpio(2); buttonDigitalPinD2.dir(mraa.DIR_IN);

//Lcd library var LCD = require ('jsupm_i2clcd'); var myLCD = new LCD.Jhd1313m1(0, 0x3E, 0x62);

var colorRed = {R: 255, G: 0, B: 0}; var colorBlue = {R: 0,G: 0,B: 255}; var colorWhite = {R: 40,G: 40,B: 40};

//light sensors parameters //GROVE Kit A0 Connector --> Aio(0) var myAnalogLightPin = new mraa.Aio(0);

//air quality sensors parameters //GROVE Kit A3 Connector --> Aio(3) var myAnalogAirPin = new mraa.Aio(3);

//Temperature sensor parameters //GROVE Kit A1 Connector --> Aio(1) var myAnalogPin = new mraa.Aio(1); var B = 3975;

/* Function: getSensorsValues() Description: Read values from sensors and return them as an array */ function getSensorsValues() { 'use strict'; //setInterval(function () { var ambientValues = {}; ambientValues.temp = getTemperature(); ambientValues.light = getLight(); ambientValues.airQuality = getAirQuality(); return ambientValues; //}, 4000); }

console.log("Sample Reading Grove Kit Temperature Sensor");

/* Function: getTemperature() Description: Read values from temperature sensor and return it */ function getTemperature(){ var a =; console.log("Analog Pin (A1) Output: " + a); //console.log("Checking...."); var resistance = (1023 - a) * 10000 / a; //get the resistance of the sensor; //console.log("Resistance: "+resistance); var celsius_temperature = 1 / (Math.log(resistance / 10000) / B + 1 / 298.15) - 273.15;//convert to temperature via datasheet ;

console.log("Celsius Temperature: " + celsius_temperature); //return celsius temperature with 2 decimal digits return celsius_temperature.toFixed(2); }

/* Function: getLight() Description: Read values from light sensor and return it */ function getLight(){ var light =; return light; }

/* Function: getAirQuality() Description: Read values from air quality sensor and return it */ function getAirQuality(){ var airQuality =; return airQuality; }

/* Function: printToLcd() Parameters: ambientValues array of sensor values Description: write the values to LCD connected to the board */ function printToLcd(ambientValues){ myLCD.clear(); var outputColor = {}; //cold if (ambientValues.temp < 15) outputColor=colorBlue; //warm else if (ambientValues.temp >= 15 && ambientValues.temp <30) outputColor=colorWhite; //hot else outputColor=colorRed; myLCD.setColor(outputColor.R, outputColor.G, outputColor.B); //console.log("Temp: " + ambientValues.temp); myLCD.write("Temp:" + ambientValues.temp); myLCD.setCursor(1,0); myLCD.write("Air:" + ambientValues.airQuality); myLCD.write(" Lux:" + ambientValues.light); }

/* Function: handleRequest() Parameters: request, the http request. response, the http resposne Description: function that handles the request from a web browser */ function handleRequest(request, response){ try { //log the request on console console.log(request.url); //Disptach dispatcher.dispatch(request, response); } catch(err) { console.log(err); } }

/* Function: onGet() Parameters: path to dispatch, callback function that handles the response Description: function that handles the request from a web browser */ dispatcher.onGet("/sensors", function(req, res, chain) { var ambientValues = getSensorsValues(); printToLcd(ambientValues);

/*next step is a workaround to use node.js template feature with Intel XDK if I start main.js typing node main.js, the application binds the template correctly if I load main.js with built in feature of XDK, the application does not find sensors.tpl in relative path but it needs absolute path */ var tpl = "sensors.tpl"; //check if the application find the tamplate in relative path if(!fs.existsSync(tpl)) tpl='/home/root/.node_app_slot/sensors.tpl'; bind.toFile(tpl, { temperature: ambientValues.temp, light: ambientValues.light, airQuality: ambientValues.airQuality }, function(data) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.end(data); }); });

//GROVE Kit Shield D2 --> GPIO2 /* Function: startButtonWatch() Description: Check the value of button every 300ms */ function startButtonWatch() { 'use strict'; var buttonValue = 0, last_b_sensor_value;

setInterval(function () { buttonValue =; if (buttonValue === 1 && last_b_sensor_value === 0) { console.log("button pressed"); var ambientValues = getSensorsValues(); printToLcd(ambientValues); } else if (buttonValue === 0 && last_b_sensor_value === 1) { console.log("Button released"); } last_b_sensor_value = buttonValue; }, 300); }

//Create a server var server = http.createServer(handleRequest); //Lets start our server server.listen(PORT, function(){ //Callback triggered when server is successfully listening. Hurray! startButtonWatch(); console.log("Server listening on: http://localhost:%s", PORT); });

  • Edit package.json

"name": "IoTParametersMonitor", "description": "", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "main.js", "engines": { "node": ">=0.10.0" }, "dependencies": { "bind":"latest", "httpdispatcher":"latest" } }

  • Create a new file sensors.tpl in the root folder of your project, this file is a template used to bind values from sensors to an html page sent to your browser (download the file attached)

Run the Application

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Upload your project to the Edison board via the XDK IDE and run it!.

To monitor the parameters locally press the button and you will see the values on LCD.

To monitor the parameters remotely, open your browser and type "http://<address_of_your_edison>:1377/sensors".

That's it, now you can monitor your environment.