Interwoven Turks Head Knots
This interweave is based on the 3 lead , 4 bight family of TH knots, They can easily be expanded to 3L-7B, 3L-10B, etc.The base knot here is a 3 lead, 4 bight TH. The bracelet shown is 3L, 7B
a. Bring the Working End around the mandrel and under the Standing End
b. Bring WE over SE
c. and up Under, Over
d. Place upper bight down over the lower bight
e. Bring WE down Under, Over. This completes the base 3 Lead, 4 Bight TH knot. To increase to 3L, 7B - repeat steps c - e.
Take second cord and opposite the start if the first TH bring the WE under the crossing point
Skip over one bight and bring WE under 2 strands (crossing point). You will end up at the starting point as shown.
If you are working on an expanded TH continue to skip a a bight and go under a crossing point. You will end this first pass at the starting point
Bring WE under one bight
Bring WE Over one, Under three, Over one
You are again at the starting point. Bring WE Under one.
Bring WE Over two, Under three,and Over Two.
Bring WE under one. This completes the knot. Follow the standing end around to double up the knot.
If you turn the knot inside out you get an inseresting stripe pattern. Flattening the knot makes a nice mat or coaster
Doubled up inside out. Third color added