Iphone 11 Case With Phone Stand Built In

by jordan_m in Craft > Digital Graphics

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Iphone 11 Case With Phone Stand Built In

iphone 11 case.PNG

Don't you ever get tired of having to hold your phone while you eat? We'll personally I do, this is why I built and phone case (Iphone 11) with a stand built in. With this special phone case you don't have to worry about dropping your phone on your food, or finding some random object to place your phone, and plus its really simple to make.


3d printer.jpg

The supplies for this phone case are:

  • Fusion 360
  • 3D printer


google i[hone 11.PNG
  • In this project we are limited to two things which are fusion 360 and a 3d printer, there many other things we could've done but we had to think something that would be efficient and only uses those two things.
  • With what I have learned through out my engineering II class I decided to build a phone case with a phone stand since I personally have the struggle of not having no where to place my phone to watch a video, and I'm sure many other kids my age have that problem too. Also this can be done with just fusion 360 and a 3D printer like the contest requires.
  1. To brainstorm this I looked at many different kinds of Iphone 11 cases since that's the phone I have. I decided to built a mix of them but also trying to keep it simple.
  2. For the stand, I just thought of a simple shape that is able to hold a phone and I decided that a simple triangular shape will do the job.

Phone Case (base)

  • In this step we are going to start by making a 154mmx79mm rectangle and making the depth 11mm.
  • After doing that, you're going to want to use the "fillet" button and select the sides and fillet them by 15mm
  • Then, click the borders of the rectangle and fillet it by 5.5mm

Phone Case (camera Hole)

  • To make this hole, we are going to want to eyeball these lines of measurements. The reason we can eyeball this, is because the camera's hole is always bigger than what the camera takes so if it's not exact it won't be noticed. but make it the exact length as shown in the picture above.
  • For the square, again we are going to eyeball to top half, but the bottom half has to reach the previous line we made before (the 119mm line).
  • Then we are going to extrude, it don't matter by how much since we are going to make it into a hole, but after extruding, we are going to fillet the sides by 7mm.
  • Lastly, we can use either extrude and click "cut" or use the combine and make it a hole from there.

Phone Case (space for Phone)

  • For this step we are going to begin by making the same box with a 10mm fillet to fill the inner part of the phone (not the borders.)
  • Then we are going to make it go in 9.5mm into our original rectangle to create space to put the phone.
  • To create the space, we are going to click in the rectangle we just made, and extrude it into "cut."

Phone Case (side Hole)

  • All traditional Iphone 11 cases have this hole in the side. To make this hole we are going to begin by making a 20mm line from the middle of the right side.
  • Following the line we are going to make 2 3mmx6mm rectangles, one on top and one on bottom.
  • Lastly we are going to extrude then select cut.

Phone Case (volume Buttons)

  • To make theses, we are going to begin by going 2mm right from the previous hole we made.
  • Then, we are going to make 2 1.5mmx12mm rectangles (one on top and one on bottom)
  • Then we repeat both steps for the second volume button.
  • Then we click extrude and fillet the edges by 1.5mm
  • Then fillet the whole front by 0.5mm.
  • After, we are going to move the buttons 40mm to the side where the hole we previously made is.

Phone Case (power Button)

  • To begin we are going to make a 35mm line going left.
  • Then we going to 2 1.5mmx17mm rectangles (one on top and one on bottom)
  • then we are going to extrude and do the same fillets we did with the volume buttons.
  • Lastly, we going to move it to the opposite side of the volume buttons by 37mm.

Phone Case (bottom Part)

  • We are going to begin by making 2 rectangles following the measurements shown in the picture above, then we are going to mirror that to end up with 4 rectangles.
  • Then we are going to extrude the top 2 rectangles and select cut to make the bottom part of the phone case.

Phone Case (middle Hope for Apple Logo) OPTIONAL*

  • This step is optional and is for the purpose so other people can view that apple logo you have.
  • To begin this step we are going to make a 23mm circle at the middle of the phone.
  • Then we are going to extrude and cut to make the hole.

Phone Stand P1

  • To begin this step we are going to make a rectangle that is 56.5mmx58mm.
  • Then we are going to extrude it by -7mm.
  • Lastly we are going to fillet the upper part by 7mm

Phone Stand P2

  • For this second part, we are going to make a 8.3mmx73.2mm rectangle going diagonal downwards.
  • Then we are going to extrude in a two side direction going 29mm to left and to the right.
  • Then you can fillet the bottom by 7mm but this part is OPTIONAL.