Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow made with 123D Creature on a iPad.
Make it yourself, or download my Jack Sparrow from the community.
When you open 123D Creature select ‘Create New’. It opens with a figure, to select the Create, Move, and Shape buttons you can make another form.
Move: you can change the form
Create: you can add more dots or delete dots
Shape: is for more or less volume
I did not use the other ones.
Make it yourself, or download my Jack Sparrow from the community.
When you open 123D Creature select ‘Create New’. It opens with a figure, to select the Create, Move, and Shape buttons you can make another form.
Move: you can change the form
Create: you can add more dots or delete dots
Shape: is for more or less volume
I did not use the other ones.
Making Jack Sparrow.
Move the figure around and give it the form from the picture. When you are done select ‘Bake Skeleton’. Your moving to the next fase.
After the ‘cooling down’ start with Sculpt. You have the following options:
Sculpt Out: putting ‘clay’ on.
Sculpt In: removing ‘clay’
Smooth: making the surface smooth
Sharpen: Sharps edge
Flatten: speeks for itselfs
Grab: Grab and pull out or in
I have a lot of pictures to show you how I have done the next step.
After the ‘cooling down’ start with Sculpt. You have the following options:
Sculpt Out: putting ‘clay’ on.
Sculpt In: removing ‘clay’
Smooth: making the surface smooth
Sharpen: Sharps edge
Flatten: speeks for itselfs
Grab: Grab and pull out or in
I have a lot of pictures to show you how I have done the next step.
Paint Jack Sparrow.
Multiple layers of paint is important to get a lively look.
Add the Skull.
If you have a better idea, go ahead ;)