Job Tasks Assistant
Are you having trouble keeping track of all your tasks at work? Are you sick of reading all those emails from your boss assigning you more tasks? We might have something that can help! You can easily develop an automated assistant that will help keep track of your tasks and notify you of new ones without opening your email even once!
Let's get started!!
Click here to see a demonstration on YouTube.
- Adafruit Circuit Playground Express Board.
- ESP8266 Board.
- Computer with Arduino installed. Download Arduino.
- Smartphone with Blynk IOT app installed (can be downloaded from app store for free).
- Account on Integromat website.
- A Gmail account.
- Good Wifi connection.
Connect CPX and ESP8266
- Connect the CPX and ESP8266 to your PC with a USB cord.
- Install ESP8266 Board using this guide.
Blynk Setup
- Log in to the Blynk console on your PC and create a new Template.
- Go to the Datastreams tab and add 2 new virtual pin datastreams named "Urgency" and "Task_Number". Copy the datastream fields from the attached images.
- Still on the Blynk console click the search tab on the top left and then click "New Device" and the in the window that pops up click "From template" and choose the template from the previous steps.
Arduino Sketch
- Download and open the attached Arduino sketch in your Arduino App.
- Go back to your new device on the Blynk cloud from the previous step, click on the "Device Info" tab and copy the black code snippet (see attached image) and paste it in the Arduino sketch instead of the 3 "#define" lines.
- In the Arduino sketch in the code that saves your Wifi name and password enter the Wifi details you are using (see image).
Integromat New Task Gmail
- Login to Integromat and click on "Create a new scenario".
- Add a Gmail module with "Watch emails" trigger.
- Click "Add" for connection and follow the step-by-step tutorial that is linked (see attached image).
- Select "Inbox folder", "Simple filter", and "All emails".
Integromat New Task Spreadsheet
- Create a new Google sheets file on your Google Drive and add to it the following columns: Sender, Task, Urgency, Status.
- Back at Integromat add a router module coming from the Gmail module and connect it to a Google Sheets module and select "Add a Row" action.
- In the window that opens select the spreadsheet you have just created and for the values to add to each column copy the values from the attached image (notice the fixed values you can select are highlighted).
Integromat New Task HTTP Connection
- Connect another module to the router, this time an HTTP one and select "Make a request" action.
- Choose body type "Raw" and content type "Text".
- Fill in the URL field like you see in the attached image except:
- Instead of the "sqp1" domain (Singapore) you might need to use a different domain depending on your location in the world, you can find out which domain to use by checking the IP address of "".
- Replace the token with your Blynk authentication token (the one you entered in your Arduino sketch).
Test New Task Feature
Now you finished the receive a task feature! So how do we use it?
First of all you need to tell your boss to use the following format when sending you a new task via email:
- Subject will be "New Task".
- In the body the first row will be "Urgency: x" where x is a number from 1 - 5 indicating how urgent this task is, 1 being not urgent and 5 being very urgent.
- The second row in the body will be "Task: y" where y will be a text explaining the task.
Now upload the Arduino code to your CPX board by clicking "upload" (see image above).
Let the Integromat scenario run every 15 minutes or so and if you received a new email giving you a task to do then when the integromat scenario runs your CPX board will beep x times for how urgent the task is and a led will light up with a color also indicating the urgency: 1-pink, 2-yellow, 3-green, 4-blue, 5-red. Note that you have a do not disturb mode where you can cover the CPX board with a piece of cloth and if you receive a new task the led will still light up but it won't beep. Then you can view the spreadsheet and you will see your new task and its details appear in a new row.
Blynk App Setup
- On your smartphone go to the Blynk IOT app you downloaded and create a new dashboard and link it to the device you created in step 2.
- In the dashboard go to developer mode and add a slider widget and in the datastream field pick "task_number".
With this slide widget you can delete a task by simply sliding to the task number you want to delete. Note that there are better widgets you can use to send the number to the server but they might cost money.
Integromat Webhook
- Open a new scenario on Integromat and add the Webhook module with Custom Webhook trigger.
- Now click Add and give your webhook a name and hit save.
- Copy the URL you received.
Blynk Webhook
- Go back to the Blynk console and click on Webhooks (see image).
- Create new webhook and in the URL field paste the URL you copied in the previous step.
- Fill in the rest of the fields just like in the image and save.
Spreadsheet to Webhook
- Add a Google Sheets module and pick Update Row and make sure it is connected to the webhook module.
- Select the same spreadsheet from step 5 and fill in the row number and status field like in the image.
Now every time you delete a task with the Blynk app widget the corresponding CPX led will turn off and the task's status on the spreadsheet will turn to "Done".