Junk Art That's Not Junk
Hi, I'm Zack, and this instructables is about turning junk into art. So basically what I did is solder and glue stuff together to look cool. You don't have to do exactly what I did, you can do what ever you want. Here we go!
You will need:
A soldering iron
A grinder
Hot glue
Super glue
The ability to solder without burning yourself. (I don't have this skill, Ow!)
A soldering iron
A grinder
Hot glue
Super glue
The ability to solder without burning yourself. (I don't have this skill, Ow!)
The Body
When you are super gluing, DO NOT glue your fingers to each other as it puts you in a 'sticky' situation.
The Right Arm
Don't over tighten the bolt on the terminal block connectors.
The Left Arm
Every thing I say here will make complete sense.
The Head
The Battery
Use an SPDT button for the circuit that lights up the eyes.
The Finishing Toches
So you've seen what I built. Now what will you build? Be creative, make a small one, make a big one, control one with an Arduino, make one fly or send one under water. Have fun!!
P.S. I am interested to see what you build.
P.S. I am interested to see what you build.