K'nex Landmine
Shoots White Rods
From https://www.instructables.com/id/ECUWRX2OCAEWZ990BV/ by You and Moded it
In the video, I know the mines are there, I dont know if you can see the white rods shoot, but its still a good thing. Some one walked in my room and I could tell because I heard the things shoot
From https://www.instructables.com/id/ECUWRX2OCAEWZ990BV/ by You and Moded it
In the video, I know the mines are there, I dont know if you can see the white rods shoot, but its still a good thing. Some one walked in my room and I could tell because I heard the things shoot
What You Need
This is a simple design
you need (for one mine only and no cannon (cannon later)):
48 green rods
24 green connectors
9 white connectors
8 yellow connectors
This is the design, that is 1 mine
all the green connectors have a green rod at both ends of them
Notice that one of them has the extra white connector (this is for the top)
you need (for one mine only and no cannon (cannon later)):
48 green rods
24 green connectors
9 white connectors
8 yellow connectors
This is the design, that is 1 mine
all the green connectors have a green rod at both ends of them
Notice that one of them has the extra white connector (this is for the top)
Connect It All
Connect the tips of the spirals with the top white connector
Making the Gun
You need 3 more white connectors for the gun
7 grey connectors
1 yellow rod
1 blue rod
2 white rods (it fires a white rod)
2 orange connectors
1 elastic band
follow that design
7 grey connectors
1 yellow rod
1 blue rod
2 white rods (it fires a white rod)
2 orange connectors
1 elastic band
follow that design
Connect the Gun Back to the Main Mine
the Yellow rod that is in the white connectors should be at 9:00 and the green rods that go into the white connectors should be at 12:00 and 6:00
Connect the Gun Back Into the Main Mine
Connect the white connector back into its original position
The top green connector should be at 12:00
The yellow rod should be at 9:00
the bottom green connector should be at 6:00
The top green connector should be at 12:00
The yellow rod should be at 9:00
the bottom green connector should be at 6:00
Insert String
Insert some string into the white connector at the top of the mine
Then tie a knot to the grey 1 slot connector that is attacked to the white rod
This rod will be facing down
when the string is pulled, the string will pull the conector, pulling the white rod, pulling the connector that is connected to the white rod, that releases the firing rod and fires the rod
Then tie a knot to the grey 1 slot connector that is attacked to the white rod
This rod will be facing down
when the string is pulled, the string will pull the conector, pulling the white rod, pulling the connector that is connected to the white rod, that releases the firing rod and fires the rod
Make Another One of These, and Plant
There are 2 set up
Its good at night, no one will suspect it
Its good at night, no one will suspect it